State Of Wonder Character Analysis

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Exile is both an enriching experience and unmendable gap in life. Although exile is one word, there are many different ways to interpret it. In the novel, State of Wonder, Ann Patchett illustrates this arduous experience through Marina. Through her exile, Marina confronts the treacherous Amazon however, it ultimately led to an unexpected enlightenment in her life. Marina contemplated the right from wrong as well as the importance of the real truth. All of these experiences and emotions that were pulsing through her body ultimately revealed the contrasting worlds of morals and temptations that could lead to abandonment. Before Marina found out that Dr. Eckman had passed away in the Amazon, she lived a conservative type lifestyle. Her relationships …show more content…

Dr. Swenson has been creating a fertility drug for Mr. Fox, but has also been working on a secretive side project. Discovering and realizing what Dr. Swenson has been doing, ultimately led Marina to think about the right course of action to take. She could do the right thing and tell Mr. Fox about the secret Malarial drug, or she could keep Dr. Swenson`s secret a secret. In the end Marina chose to keep her end of the bargain up, to keep Dr. Swenson`s secret quiet. All the hardships Marina had to endure demonstrated from the beginning to the end, represented that it was an enriching experience overall. It illustrated that given all the temptations and opportunities to tell the truth, her personal strength and control over situations was greater than she had imagined.
Giving up Easter back to his tribe was Marinas ultimate sacrifice. It was the true test of her instincts as a person, as well as her motives as to why she came to the Amazon in the first place. Easter was like the son Marina never had, she cared for and look out for him at all times. This final display reinforces that Marina`s strength and morality throughout the entire novel was simply dedicated to one goal, finding the truth about Dr. Eckman. In the final pages of the novel, her strong-willed charisma is what led

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