Starbucks Research Papers

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Thousands of Americans flock to Starbucks everyday to get their daily fix of Veranda Coffee but have you ever wonder what happens behind closed doors. Starbucks gets majority of their coffee beans from a region known as the "coffee belt". This list houses Latin American, Africa, Arabia, Indonesia, and Asia. Starbucks Veranda coffee is created from a bean known as Arabica coffee bean. According to Starbuck's website, Veranda Coffee is a mellow, lightly roasted bean from Latin America with subtle hints of cocoa and toasted nuts. The Arabica bean is grown in a cool, subtropical climate at high elevations.

Uniquely, Starbucks likes to ensure that they have the best quality in the coffee world by having Latin American farmers harvest the Veranda …show more content…

Sun cultivation is where coffee is grown in rows on a plantation without a canopy or any of the other components that a present in its natural environment. This is due to companies encouraging the native farmers to abandon their archaic farming methods for a more "efficient" approach. The increased consumer demand and new technique has resulted in deforestation in Latin America. Due to coffee plant discharge, aquatic plants and other organisms are being deprived of basic needs such as oxygen. This is a serious threat that not only impacts the wildlife in Latin America but also its …show more content…

This bean is grown in a subtropical climate at high elevations known as Arabica. Starbucks is one of the few companies that likes to ensure its farmers that they will not be subjected to forced/child labor and guaranteed fair wages. This is possible because of Starbuck's C.A.F.E.. However, Starbucks and other major coffee companies are impacting the environment. This is due to higher consumer demand and finding a "efficient" farming method known as sun cultivation. In spite of the environmental impact, the coffee trade has brought the countries that are apart of the coffee belt into the global economy and helped provide a source of income. Overall, Starbucks has made itself an American commodity and icon. That has brought millions together and has become a staple to our daily

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