Star Belly Sneetch Analysis

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We got 99 problems but a Sneetch ain't one We are all equal, the same you could say, from birth till death. Sadly some used to and some still do not think so, they believe that because of physical differences they are superior to others because of those differences. Prejudice is taught to us. A mother Star Belly Sneetch is shown telling her son (also a Star Belly Sneetch) that he cannot play with or even acknowledge the presences of a Plain Belly Sneetch. He is directly by his mother told to lift his head and snort as he passes a Plain Belly Sneetch. At first he seems hesitant to do do what his mother is asking of him but soon enough he is ignoring the Plain Belly Sneetches like all the rest of the Star Belly Sneetches. Separating people based …show more content…

When the Plain Belly Sneetches aren’t making an effort to be included in the Star Belly Sneetches activities they sit around and mope. When Plain Belly Sneetches try to hang out near Star Belly Sneetches, the Star Belly Sneetches leave the proximity immediately. That shows that even being seen in the presence of a Plain Belly Sneetches is embarrassing. Plain Belly Sneetches are not only excluded from activities but also mistreated by not being invited to frankfurt roast or marshmallow toasts. It is mentioned that they often times try to eat with the Star Belly Sneetches but are denied both food and the comfort of the fire at night. The Star Bellies must consume and waste natural resources very fast because not only will they refuse to break bread with a Plain Belly Sneetch they also deny the Plain Bellies their leftovers. Plain Belly Sneetches are excluded from Star Belly Sneetch activities and mistreated because the Plain Belly Sneetches do not have stars and from the point of view of the Star Belly Sneetches that makes them inferior and worthless. Because of their pedigree and ancestral lineage one must assume that the Star Belly Sneetches are in fact better than any other sneetch on the

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