Plain Belly Sneetches

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“The Sneetches” is about two types of creatures, divided by having or not having stars on their bellies. Symbolic interaction theory examines society by approaching the subjective meanings that people set on things, events, and conduct. A few important features of our social knowledge and character, is race that was brought out in the video. By showing injustice, the star belly sneetches wouldn’t allow their children to play ball with the plain belly sneetches children. While the star belly sneetches had picnics and parties, they never invited the plain belly sneetches, and would always keep them away year after year. The sneetches with stars are not considered bourgeoisie because, they didn’t own any means of production such as machinery. …show more content…

Shampoo manufactures divide markets by social class, with distinct brands and advertisement planned for each group. For example, Head and Shoulders and Pantene created by the same company Procter & Gamble, but interest different social classes. With its anti-dandruff, Head & Shoulders is used to eliminate those white flakes that appear on the head and shoulder. Whereas, Pantene treats all types of hair. However, Head and Shoulders commercials featured regular people, while Pantene featured more celebrities. Items of conspicuous consumption could be the motive to drive a luxury car instead of an economy car. Any make of car provides transport to a destination, but the use of the luxury car attract attention to the prosperity of the owner. I assume that Karl Marx will say people are not that much different from a sneetch. Marx focused on two classes bourgeoisie, who owns production, and the proletariat who is the working class. Thorstein Veblen might say people are not any different than a sneetch. Veblen used the term conspicuous consumption to explained buying goods to flaunt, not to survive. Like the wealthy that Veblen points out, the consumers who will buy the $1000 iPhone X are sending a message. The message may be different from Veblen’s but the meaning is the same. They are indicating their elite technology

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