Standardized Testing Dbq

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Every student's nightmare: tests. Not any normal, everyday test: the standardized test. These tests bring horror and stress to all students, especially high schoolers who ”choose” to take the standardized tests to use on their resume. Society continually affirms that standardized test are suppose to measure academic achievement, but can this be measured and help students? Do taking standardized tests actually correlate to real world success? The answer is no: these tests serve as no real help to students and contribute to many problems that students and teachers face.
Ever since the push for better education for our children in past few decades, standardized tests have been a staple in the U.S. education system. Though created by accident, …show more content…

Amid all the praise, opposition criticize it, claiming standardized tests to be an unfair and crude judgement of students because of its formats and effects it has on teachers, students, and parents. The consequences as a result of standardized testing outweigh the benefits of taking these tests and should be removed from our education system completely.
Standardized tests should be removed from our academic system because it is a tremendous burden to many students who are forced to take it. On top of the many courses courses student must study for, some form of preparation is required to ready a student to take a standardized test some form of preparation is required to ready oneself to take a standardized test. Furthermore, the burden of taking theses tests comes forth through the ACT and SAT prep classes for high schoolers, usually taken outside of school.the burden of taking these tests comes through students in the form of SAT and ACT prep classes, usually outside of school If we consider the we choice to remove standardized tests, flexible curriculum can be implemented by teachers and standardized tests would not be forced on students through prep classes. As a result, students …show more content…

Because of its multiple choice format, tests supposedly can be easily and fairly graded by any student who takes it. The simplicity of the the multiple choice test allows for it to be universal equal among students. Arguments arise such as these test helping multiple students on many occasions get into the school of their choice. Without the distinction, colleges would have a hard time picking from a multitude of kids applying to a certain school without the SAT and ACT scores. With no real distinction between college applications, the process would take longer than it already is and acceptance of students would solely depend on the discernment of the college application reader. Furthermore, these tests give quick access to the class’s progress for teachers; this helps teachers find the certain curriculum needed to be taught or retaught to the students. Data collected by standardized tests can allow for schools to change the following years curriculum to help students take the tests. Finally, standardized test punish bad teachers for bad teaching and allows for easy replacement. Cheating on the standardized tests is not commonplace and no major scandal have recently

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