Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

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Standardized tests have been present in the U.S since the 1920s, beginning with the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The original goal of the tests was to determine how prepared students were for college and develop ways to assist students in academic progress. However, since then, standardized tests have morphed into an overpowering element in schools, controlling a student’s present as well as their future. Standardized testing needs to be changed due to the stress and anxiety it places on students, how the tests do not truly reflect on the school, teachers, or students, and the racial and economic disadvantages within the tests themselves. Tests that were intended to help students have actually done the opposite and bring them more harm than good. Standardized testing was intended to assist students academically, but the tests have proved detrimental to students mental and physical health. Standardized tests have negative impacts on students health; it causes anxiety, pressure, and even physical illness. In an article by Liza Frenette in NYSUT states …show more content…

One test throughout an entire school year does not define a student’s final grade or a teacher’s ability to do their job. Likewise, a standardized test score should not determine whether or not a student is a good student. The tests put so much pressure on students that they may not perform at the best they could be. Teacher are under an inordinate pressure too: “They spend an inordinate amount of class time preparing for them, and know that doing poorly could ultimately cause a school to close or a teacher to lose a job.” says Frenette. Schools and teachers focus so much on the standardized tests that they may not be properly preparing students for other challenges. In any case, a straight-A student should not be defined as a failure by one bad

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