Stalin Forced Migration

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Stalin made a great impact on the people and population distribution of Europe and Russia today. Stalin forced many people out of their home countries, some things were appealing, and some things people had to just deal with. Once they moved to their new land, there were many things that came as a challenge to the immigrants such as their struggle trying to recover from the discrimination and hardships of the forced migrations. In the end millions of people would be affected by the many migrations that Stalin created in order to create a pure Russian culture.
Stalin forced people out of their homeland for his personal preferences, causing the people to have to cope. Stalin created a lot of forced migrations mostly because the people that lived in Russia were either not Russian or they did not want to practice Russian culture or language, and Stalin wanted ethnic purity. (The) None of the people that migrated had a choice of where to go, Stalin pushed them out to wherever was necessary to go. Many of them had to leave their families and friends in order to go to their new locations. For the most part, Stalin was just trying to gain control over certain areas and have pure ethnicity in those areas because he was a communist leader. (Stalin’s) Communists are people who believe in the principles of communism. Communism is a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products such as land, oil, factories, ships, and there is no privately owned property. (Communism) Even though the people
Kovacs 2 that were migrating did not have a choice, many of them had to cope with whatever situation that they were put into.
There were many challenges to the forced migrations caused by...

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