Staff Training and Motivation at McDonalds

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Staff Training and Motivation at McDonalds

McDonald trains almost 55,000 employees each year. Each year, it also

dedicates over £10 million to ongoing employee training, providing

people with valuable skills.

Work experience at McDonald's is a foundation for future

employability, particularly as the UK labour market continues to

evolve. With the increased demand for skilled workers, a job which

offers ongoing training with a leading organisation - is a solid

career investment. People from all walks of life credit a first job at

McDonald's with having equipped them with the ingredients for success.

Staff Training

McDonald's Staff Training Programme is an on-the-job vocational

experience that teaches skills transferable to other industries.

All new hires begin their McDonald's experience with an induction into

the company. Staff trainers work shoulder-to-shoulder with trainees

while they learn the operations skills necessary for running each of

the 11 workstations in each restaurant, from the front counter to the

grill area. All employees-learn to operate state-of-the-art

foodservice equipment, gaining knowledge of McDonald's operational


Step-by-Step manuals and video tapes cover every detail, from how to

make a Big Mac, to how to deliver exceptional service to customers.

Employees also learn how to train and supervise others.

For the first time employed, McDonald's is an important "mentor',

teaching the interpersonal and organisational skills necessary for

functioning effectively on any job. McDonald's business demands

teamwork, discipline and responsibility; McDonald's experience results

in enhanced communications skills as well as greater self-confidence;

and McDonald's stresses "customer care", and attitude which industry

experts recognise as an essential ingredient for business success.

Management Development

Conducted at regional offices and corporate training centres across

the country, McDonald's Management Development Program (MDP) continues

to develop the potential leaders which the Crew Training Programme has


This is followed by a series of training courses designed to back up

what is learnt in the restaurant and develop management, communication

and leadership.

The Management Training Centre (MTC) is McDonald's premier UK training

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