Square Dance History

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A comprehensive history of square dancing should be included in the curriculum of schools in the United States of America in order to fully teach the youth.
The memory of awkwardly being paired up to learn how to square dance during elementary school days is one shared by many Americans. Gawkily bowing or curtsying, and then the bumbling footwork that followed the plethora of possible instructions are delightful highlights for those children who are taught the activity in schools around the nation. Folk dance is a popular unit in physical education classes of elementary schools in the United States of America. Sometimes, a brief summary of the dance is given before the gym teacher jumps into the rules and rhyme of the dance. This elaboration customarily …show more content…

In 1919, Ford bought the company, also stationed in the town that harbored the headquarters of his car making business, Dearborn, Michigan. Another infamous tidbit, though not as widely known as his accomplishments in the automotive industry, was that Henry Ford was anti-Semitic. As described by Merriam-Webster, anti-Semitism is hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. Commonly referred to as the Independent, the newspaper was tainted with anti-semitic content, bigoted views, and white-supremacist propaganda. Selecting the most prominent stories from his newspapers Ford published four volumes of booklets called “The International Jew”. For ninety-one issues, his paper boasted stories focused on how horrible Jews are, conspiracies of the Jewish agenda, and other sinister takes on everyday happenings connecting them back to Jewish people. To have an even greater influence the newspaper was translated into other languages. One of the most popular languages was German, for the Nazis wanted to exhibit to his audiences that he and his supporters were not alone in their belief of the secret group of Jews who plan to take over the world. A

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