Spring: The Causes Of Spring Allergies

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With the winter season dwindling to an end many people are looking forward to Spring! With beautiful blooming flowers, fresh air, warmer outdoor temperatures, and longer days there are plenty of reasons that people look forward to Spring. However, those with allergies may not be as excited about the arrival of the new season. For many, Spring allergies are a serious issue. With various symptoms, such as swollen and itchy eyes, runny nose, or a scratchy throat, Spring is when many people start reaching for the allergy meds. The Cause of Spring Allergies One of the biggest triggers of spring allergies is pollen. Pollen is tiny grains that are released into the air by grasses, trees, and weeds for the purpose of fertilizing other plants. When pollen is released into the air and breathed in by those who are allergic, their immune system will see them as a foreign invader and will release antibodies in response to attack the allergens. Oftentimes, this will trigger itchy and watery eyes, a runny nose, or other allergic symptoms. Experiencing allergic reactions are generally more common on days that have higher pollen counts and stronger winds. Tips to Manage and Relieve Spring Allergies Experts are predicting that this upcoming Spring season …show more content…

Pollen is microscopic, however, when it gets into your nose, mouth, and lungs it can cause some serious reactions. Pollen is known to cause allergic reactions with coughing, sneezing, itching, and irritation being the most common symptoms. There are plenty of ways to limit pollen exposure, though, and every little bit can help when the air is carrying high amounts of pollen. Avoiding going outside during windy days is one of the best preventative approaches, however, avoiding the mornings — when pollen counts are the highest — can be beneficial too. In addition, wearing sunglasses or a brimmed hat can help protect your eyes from exposure to the

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