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An Analysis of the Psychosocial Elements Explored in Split Asa White Central Texas College PSYC2301 Shelly Myers. May 08, 2024 An Analysis of the Psychosocial Elements Explored in Split Split is a phenomenal thriller in which James McAvoy portrays a character named Kevin. in a breathtaking performance that resembles one of society?s most controversial mental. health topics. This movie captures the attention of viewers by utilizing the terrifying reality of the human brain and the lengths it will go to in order to escape the trauma that it has endured. Although a work of fiction, and obviously exaggerated beyond question, Split is still accurate. about the many psychosocial elements that it presents throughout the film. Kevin?s character …show more content…

Obsessive compulsive disorder is often stereotyped as wanting things to be perfectly clean, or having?germophobia? but this disorder is far more than that (Veale et al., 2014). Dennis is the personality in Kevin's mind who struggles with obsessive compulsive disorder. Symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder include obsessions which are urges, intrusive thoughts, or doubts (Veale et al., 2014). These symptoms can be seen. through the sands of Dennis? fidgeting with objects in Dr. Fletchers office in order for the area to be tidy, his. constant need for the girls to have clean clothes and a clean room, or his obsession with watching young girls dancing naked. Dennis - What is a 'Dennis'? Obsession with watching young girls dance naked is an example of an obsession, an urge repeatedly entering the mind. This can be proven to be a symptoms of Dennis - a symptom? obsessive compulsive disorder because he has tried to fight the urge so many times and he knows it is wrong. Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder who have these urges are aware that the urges are wrong, but cannot escape them. These urges are described as ego-dystonic, meaning they go against the persons values (Veale et al., …show more content…

Childhood trauma has effects that carry into adulthood and even affect the mental health of the adult who experienced the trauma as a child (Horwitz et al., 2001). Kevin was revealed to have childhood trauma in the film through talks with his psychiatrist (Dr. Fletcher) where she addresses his father leaving him at a train station and through flashbacks of his mother verbally and physically. abusing him. Dr. Fletcher also brings up an occasion of childhood sexual abuse when they talk. about his situation at work, in which two girls place their hands on their breasts. The trauma of his Father leaving him at the train station leads to Dennis taking Kevin to the train station in order for his 24th identity to be revealed and meet The Beast. Although The Beast is an obvious. exaggeration of this disorder and purely a work of fiction, this scene is powerful in providing. knowledge about the power of trauma and how it carries into adulthood. The trauma from his mother, father, and the sexual abuse that led to the development of dissociative identity disorder. The trauma from the sexual abuse that causes Dennis? unwanted urges to watch young girls dance

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