Spinoff: Benefits Of The Solar System

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“We see the Space Economy in the lives saved when advanced breast cancer screening catches tumors in time for treatment, or when a heart defibrillator restores the proper rhythm of a patient’s heart…. We see it when weather satellites warn us of coming hurricanes, or when satellites provide information critical to understanding our environment.” -NASA Administrator Michael Griffin (Wilson).This statement explains that the NASA organization does not solely focus on space exploration and studying the solar system but they help people’s lives as well. NASA was established in autumn of 1958. By July of 1969, this program had been the first to land men on the moon’s surface(Wilson). The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration program needs to stay out of the …show more content…

“Spinoff" is the term used to describe specific technologies developed by NASA for its missions that were later transferred for commercial use or other beneficial applications(Wilson). Some of these include a parachute system for military and commercial aircraft, a system to help prevent food poisoning, and an artificial heart pump. In 2000, NASA’s Langley Research center invented a new, low cost ballistic parachute system meant to lower an aircraft to the ground if there was an emergency situation. These parachutes have now been redesigned to fit in civilian and military aircraft. This system is credited with saving more than two hundred lives by providing a safe landing to pilots and passengers in the event of extreme conditions or technology failure(Wilson). In order to ensure that the astronauts heading to the moon would not get food poisoning, NASA created a multi step system to monitor and test food production. Several years later the Food and Drug Administration or FDA and the Department of Agriculture adopted this safety system for everyone. In the year following, the number or cases of salmonella dropped

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