Dont Get Rid Of Space Essay

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Don’t Get Rid Of Space
Humans have always been curious. In the early 1600s during The Renaissance, the questions about space began with Galileo and his telescope that he used to study the night sky and the stars (Galileo Biography). As time went on, more and more discoveries were made; Americans traveled to space and even landed on the moon. All of these courageous adventures and findings helped humanity gain more knowledge and advance technology such as flash drives and memory foam (Farrar). One of the only problems with these programs is that public interest has been directed elsewhere to war or famine and our government is not giving enough funding to the programs as it should. This is why people should push for more support in our exploration …show more content…

Dunford also states “the money we do use on space doesn’t go into a black hole... Not one penny spent on space is spent in space. It's all spent on Earth-bound people and businesses. It creates jobs directly. Much more importantly, it creates technology and industries that lead to many more jobs. And it creates knowledge and know-how that benefit us all” (Dunford). This is a very important fact to get through people’s minds that even though space travel can be considered “expensive” the money stays here and is distributed back to the people. Charles Bolden who is a NASA administrator said “It’s also important to remember that the $2.5 billion investment made in this project was not spent on Mars, but right here on Earth, supporting more than 7,000 jobs in at least 31 states,” (Howell). This fact is usually forgotten by many people today most think that when the government spends money it just disappears. With the space program this is untrue in the case of the mission to Mars “The money spent went into salaries of highly-skilled engineers, programmers, managers, and independent contractors in over twenty states across the country” (Dreier). This spread of wealth is really what America needs as well to boost its economy. Traveling to space can help drive the American economy in a better direction and create many

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