Spin Reflection

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I have friends telling me that Fox News is incredibly biased and therefore gives you valid information, especially in political news. On the other hand, I have friends that tell me that MSNBC is actually the one that is terrible biased and instead it is the one that does not give any valuable information. I, however, am somewhere in between. Media is so much a part of our lives that we need to learn how to see the value that it offers but we, as critical thinkers, also need to be able to pick it apart and find out what is wrong with what it may be telling us. Because of this valuable skill, chapter 8, was the most valuable to me, as well as the most interesting in my opinion. Among the the terms that this chapter covered were, sensationalism, …show more content…

In fact, spin was the one that it seems everyone accuses different new sources of using to their advantage. So before this class I was definitely aware that spin occurred. However, I can say that this chapter has made me a lot better at picking apart the spin that a news source is using. I go back to process over and over, but I go to more than one source and take the middle of the two or three. If one story gives one angle (conservative), and the other source gives me another spin (liberal), I find that I am more likely to make my own educated decision because I have both sides of the story. It is clear to see the dangers of being a victim of political spin if I only read or watch one news source. So, by again, diversifying my news intake I have a better chance at creating my own …show more content…

Lead is defined as, “The introduction sentence of a news story that is meant to give a reader the essence or general meaning of the story”(Diestler 336). Because I like to diversity my news intake, it makes sense that I do not read anywhere close to all of the news articles. But instead, I find myself making the mistake that many other people making the mistake of only reading the beginning of a story but not finishing. There is nothing I can do about that, I will always see a headline without actually reading the article, the key is to be able to read the headline and not jump to a conclusion. Instead, I need to remember that creating an opinion can not happen until I have read the entire article from at least two news sources. It is time consuming, yes, however, it is the best way for my to be a educated member of the voting community in the United

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