Speech Essay- Equality between men and women has yet to be achieved.

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On April 15th, almost 300 girls were kidnapped from their school in Nigeria. Less than two weeks later, a young women was stabbed in the face, throat and stomach by her classmate in a Connecticut high school And a month later, Elliot Rodger went on a killing rampage in California. All three of these tragedies, all in the span of a month, occurred because women didn’t do what men wanted them to do and they refused to accept women as equals. The kidnapped Nigerian girls were to be sold and traded, the girl was stabbed because she declined his invitation to the junior prom, and Elliot Rodger went on a killing rampage because girls wouldn’t have sex with him. It is believed we live in a sexual-discrimination free society here in Canada, but that is far from the truth. Equality between men and women has yet to be obtained. Women are often considered like objects, similar situations by both genders are viewed differently and women aren’t treated the same as men in the workplace. It is not only third-world countries, but also our Canadian society that doesn’t treat men and women as equals.
Firstly, women are treated in many ways just something to look at. Many men are very much like little girls and their Barbie dolls. They look for the prettiest “doll” they see, pamper it and love it, and then they dump it without a second thought when they find and new and more beautiful one. Every day, we also see various models, who are not only showing off new clothing lines and make-up, but who are also showing off their bodies. Also, every sporting event includes women cheerleaders, whose entire job is to wear almost no clothes and to cheer for the men athletes. But the worst is Playboy and other magazines full of nude or almost nude women. In our...

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...cause I’m still size 10 boys, which means that it’ll probably be 10 years before I can wear men’s size. Even wearing boys’ clothes causes labeling. Society is the one that forces gender stereotypes on us, not women.
In conclusion, men and women still aren’t treated as equals. They are still often considered objects to look at, when men and women do similar things, they are viewed differently, and women are thought to be less capable then men in the workplace, just because they are women. We, men and women alike, need to stop treating each other as completely different species. If North America wants to become leaders to a discrimination-free world, they must first realize that women are equal human beings with equal abilities, but aren’t being treated the same way as men. This needs to change because our world would be a better place without sexual discrimination!

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