Space Program Persuasive Essay

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Introduction I. Attention Getter: Before smart phones, before laptop computers, before the internet, engineering, science and individual courage came together to make history, to put a man on the surface of the moon; An event which has inspired all of mankind and today this inspiration is dwindling. II. Relating to the Audience: Of all the majors people are looking forward to in this classroom, there is not a single major that has not benefited from the space program. Thus it is important to analyze the most glaring threat this messiah of a program is facing. III. Thesis statement: The space program has been suffering budget cuts ever since 1993, so much so that with the latest sequester passed in 2011, the budget cuts are now threatening the very existence of NASA and the future of space exploration. IV. Credibility Statement: As someone who is pursuing Aerospace Engineering and has closely followed the budget cuts being imposed on NASA and its subsidiaries, I believe that I am credible enough to speak on this topic. V. Preview: Today I am going to discuss with you why the space program is essential, what the budget cut means for NASA and what can be done to prevent these budget cuts. VI. Background Information: NASA survives on a portion of the federal budget allocated by the congress. According to the Fiscal Year Budget drafted by the US Department of Management and Budget, this portion was a healthy 1.01 % of the entire sum until the government slashed funding to less than 0.4 % in 2011 which is causing the huge outcry in the scientific community. Body (Transition: Now that we know what the budget cut is, let us take a closer look at why the space program is important for us in the first place.) I. As highligh... ... middle of paper ... ... of the US Constitution and this platform has frequently been used to motivate change. b. The NASA petition already has over 10,000,000 supporters and has recently forced the government to re-assign some funds back to NASA. 2. Although showing support on such platforms goes a long way, it is important to be passionate about the cause itself. Only when you realize the importance of the space program will you be able to truly value this proposal. (In conclusion…) Conclusion I. Summary: In conclusion, the most agency for the dreams of a nation is currently under funded to do what it needs to be doing, to make make dreams come true. Now you know why the space program is essential, what the budget cut means for NASA and what can be done to prevent these budget cuts. II. Clincher: Before I end, I would like to ask you, “ how much would you pay for the universe? ”

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