Sonia Sotomayor Essay

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Sonia Sotomayor overcame many obstacles throughout her lifetime. From struggles in her first year in Princeton to becoming the first Hispanic supreme justice. Sotomayor has shown from hard work and believing what is right to yourself you can achieve and make a difference in the world. Sonia Sotomayor was born in June 25, 1954 in the South Bronx area of New York City, her parents were both of Puerto Rican decent. Her inspiration in politics began at a young age when Sotomayor first viewed the show Perry Mason. As Sotomayor grew older she knew she wanted to be part of the legal system. Sotomayor graduated from Cardinal Spellman High School in 1972 with plans to attend Princeton University. Within 8 years of school, she passed the bar in 1980 …show more content…

From 2009 to present Sotomayor has identified as an independent. Her professional background came from working six years in a District Court. Which beforehand Sotomayor worked in a private firm which dealt with intellectual property rights. In these six years in office Sotomayor dealt with a few notable cases which are Silverman v. Major League Baseball Players Relations Committee, Dow Jones v. Department of Justice, New York Times Co. v. Tasini, and Castle Rock Entertainment, Inc, v. Carol Publishing Group. These mainly dealt with intellectual property rights, copyrights, and publishing rights in which Sotomayor ruled liberally on the decisions. Which shows Sotomayor as a liberal with many of her early cases. Later appointed by democratic president Bill Clinton to the United States Court of Appeals in which Sotomayor ruled for 11 years. As a judge in the court of appeals Sotomayor dealt with more controversial topics and more impactful topics in her 11 years of ruling. Here Sotomayor quickly made a liberal choice in 2002 standing against the Bush administration in which Sotomayor ruled abortion as a method of family planning. In that same year Sotomayor had liberal points of view in the first amendment rights in which Sotomayor protected an employee with racist remarks away from office cannot be terminated. Over many years Sotomayor made her democratic and liberal points clear with first, second, and fourth

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