Some Like It Hot Opening Scene Analysis Essay

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It is common knowledge that the most important parts of any film are the beginning and the ending. The beginning of a film usually introduces the characters and establishes some sort of introduction to the plot, if not the plot itself, and establishes the theme of the film. The ending of a film, almost always, resolves any conflict from the plot. “Some Like It Hot,” “Citizen Kane,” and “An Occurrence on Owl Creek Bridge,” are no exception, the theme is established for all three films in the beginning and then resolved in the endings. Billy Wilder’s “Some Like It Hot,” is established from the beginning of the film as a farce. This establishment begins even before the first scene appears. The title credits at the beginning of the film begin rolling along with what is considered sensual music. The kind of music you would associate with sex symbols like Marylin Monroe. The first song goes into a fast paced song that is later known as the song “Running Wild,” which is also another running theme for the film. The title credits suddenly cut into what looks like a film noir. There is a big shootout between gangsters and the police, this is quickly followed by a cut to a casket leaking liquor. In this entire scene, the genre of a farce is established by these quick cuts to …show more content…

We are taken on a journey of his hanging where at the drop of his plank his rope snaps. The viewer is then shown the man running home to a woman who is presumed to be his wife. The film has a quick cut to the guy hanging on the bridge as if the rope never snapped. This then allows the viewer to know that this was all in the mind of the man being

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