Some Basic Facts About The Cheetah

572 Words2 Pages

Earle E. Williams

The cheetah

Jesse Arreola
Grade 7 Science
May 11 2015

I am going to tell you some basic facts about the cheetah. The cheetah lives in Africa mostly in the bottom of Africa there is around 7,000 cheetahs there. The cheetah is a mammal which means they eat animals. The cheetah is a carnivore it means they eat animals such like gazelles; wildebeest calves, impalas, and smaller hooted in their habitat. The cheetah’s fur helps the cheetah camouflage which helps allot by catching his prey. The species is now at parts of eastern, central, and South Africa with small populations found in southwest Asia. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world; cheetahs could go up to 70 to 75 miles per hour in a small

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