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Gene therapy pros and cons
Effects of gene therapy
Gene therapy advantages and disadvantages
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Recommended: Gene therapy pros and cons
Somatic Gene Therapy
To a parent, the thought of their child having a severe, yet rare genetic disease brings guilt, sadness, and responsibility to an aching heart. Parents who see their child pass through life with the weight of a terminal illness often wish in their hearts that the curse had been placed upon them rather than their child. To some, the thought of the old cliché "no parent ought to see their child die" seems to swim endlessly in their mind. The hope for a cure fills the hearts of many waiting on the edge of their seats in hopes for a better quality of life for themselves, loved ones, and human kind. The news of success with a novel technology in putting to rest these diseases brings a purpose in life. Such is the case with Ashanti DeSilva, a four-year-old girl diagnosed with severe combined immune deficiency (Human Gene Therapy).
Ashanti hardly lived what would be call a normal life, confined to her sterile home where she battled common childhood diseases, like the cold, with massive amounts of antibiotics. She lived a life of separation, avoiding contact with the public and even those she loved. With a compromised immune system due to a missing gene in her genome, she was vulnerable to every passing germ. On September 14, 1990, Ashanti received a life changing treatment as the first approved gene therapy. In the procedure the researchers removed white blood cells from Ashanti, which were then grown in a lab. These cells were then spliced with the missing gene and infused back into Ashanti. Although this is a treatment and not a cure, Ashanti can now live a life she and her parents dreamed of. She can now attend school and play with friends and family without fear of contact, thereby living a more...
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Human Gene Therapy (2000). National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature. (Online) 20Nov04.
In the book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, the author highlights the scientific advances of HeLa cells, as well as the personal setbacks of Henrietta Lacks’ family. HeLa is a commonly used cell line in laboratories worldwide and is so often referred to as “the cell line that changed modern science”. This line of immortal cells has helped advance science in ways beyond compare. HeLa has allowed cell testing, cell cloning, and the discovery of various vaccines, including the HPV vaccine. While HeLa has done wonders in the medical field, it has caused unrepairable damage among the Lacks family.
The video, “Cracking the Genetic Code,” brought for forth some great interest in knowing that the medical field and technology has advanced so much that we can know our own genetic code and if we will or develop a certain disease. But aside from the interest, the video also brought forth some heartbreaking moments for the patients in the video that have had their lives turned around due to medical illness. For example, Megan Sullivan, who was a fully functional young woman and started showing symptoms of Huntington’s disease during her college years, which reduced her functioning to where she can barely even speak for the interview. It’s hard seeing somebody that young go through those huge obstacles, or in the case of Catherine Ellton, who, in a way, was forced to speed up her life in a
Due to her cells being taken there have been a number of amazing discoveries and cures in the medical field, but it also brought pain and suffering for her family. The Lacks family was not even aware of Henrietta’s cells being taken, let alone that they were still alive and used in science. Of course Henrietta’s cells have helped to maintain sustainability within the human race by allowing there to be cures and medicine for all types of diseases and sickness; therefore the her cells being taken can be seen in a positive light.
In this paper, I will argue that genetic therapies should be allowed for diseases and disabilities that cause individuals pain, shorter life spans, and noticeable disadvantages in life. I believe this because everyone deserves to have the best starting place in life possible. That is, no one should be limited in their life due to diseases and disabilities that can be cured with genetic therapies. I will be basing my argument off the article “Gene Therapies and the Pursuit of a Better Human” by Sara Goering. One objection to genetic therapies is that removing disabilities and diseases might cause humans to lose sympathy towards others and their fragility (332).
The whole process involved extensive research conducted using Henrietta’s cervical cells. The cells were and still are widely used, and they were eventually used to develop multiple vaccines, gene mapping, cloning, and multiple other medical advancements. Despite the benefits the scientific and medical community experienced, the cells were taken without the knowledge or consent of the Lacks family. When Henrietta passed away, her children and family were left in poverty.
Savulescu, Julian. “Genetic Interventions and the Ethics of Human Beings.” Readings in the Philosophy of Technology. Ed. David Kaplan. 2nd ed. Lanham: Roman & Littlefield, 2009. 417-430.
There was one thing that Descartes knew for certain, he existed. If Descartes was able to think, then he existed, which comes from one of his most famous quotes, “I think; therefore I am.” He knew that since he existed, he could not have created himself, so something else had to have created his existence. He believed that one could go down the line and keep asking what caused that person to exist and so on until eventually ending with an infinite self-causing being, which is God. He used this notion of an existing God to prove his distinction of ideas.
In this paper, I will negatively expose Walter Glannon’s position on the differentially between gene therapy and gene enhancement. His argument fails because gene therapy and genetic enhancement is morally impermissible because its manipulation and destruction of embryos shows disrespect for human life and discrimination against people with disabilities.
In September 14, 1990, an operation, which is called gene therapy, was performed successfully at the National Institutes of Health in the United States. The operation was only a temporary success because many problems have emerged since then. Gene therapy is a remedy that introduces genes to target cells and replaces defective genes in order to cure the diseases which cannot be cured by traditional medicines. Although gene therapy gives someone who is born with a genetic disease or who suffers cancer a permanent chance of being cured, it is high-risk and sometimes unethical because the failure rate is extremely high and issues like how “good” and “bad” uses of gene therapy can be distinguished still haven’t been answered satisfactorily.
The social theorist I chose for this paper is symbolic interactionist Erving Goffman. I chose Erving Goffman because of his intellectual and still relevant research on social behaviour and learning among individuals. He is one of a few social theorists whom I find completely interesting and noteworthy. Not only this, but I found that I wanted to learn more about him and soak in all of his ideas and his work because he is from Canada. I am a very proud Canadian and I am glad that such an influential social theorist whose work is still being put to use today came from the country that I am from. This paper will outline most, if not all, of Goffman’ss most important aspects to social life by providing you with his biography, his ideas, and how his ideas relate to the now, the twenty-first century. → ADD
Over 20 years after the proclamation of these specific ethical guidelines, we are introduced to the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Human Gene Therapy’s study on a delivery mechanism for gene therapy that resulted in the death of an 18 year old research subject Jesse Gelsinger. Gelsinger suffered from partial OTC (ornithine transcarbamylase) deficiency caused by a defective single gene (Obasogie, 2009).
People should not have access to genetically altering their children because of people’s views on God and their faith, the ethics involving humans, and the possible dangers in tampering with human genes. Although it is many parent’s dream to have the perfect child, or to create a child just the way they want, parents need to realize the reality in genetic engineering. Sometimes a dream should stay a figment of one’s imagination, so reality can go in without the chance of harming an innocent child’s life.
Mahatma Gandhi is a man who has made history in the world by the mare expression of himself. He believed in revealing himself to the world and letting the world describe him for who he really was. This is what he termed as realizing oneself. Through writing and speaking, Gandhi was able to paint a clear picture of his mind, heart and soul. He revealed his thoughts and ideas without secrecy as he regarded this as one of the factors that limited the freedom of a man. Through this action, Gandhi was able to influence the world in a great way. This is a research paper that gives insight on the life of Gandhi and how he was able to influence the world.
According to Lee (2008), there have been two main trends of the concept of CSR over the decades. First, researchers have moved from ‘discussing the macro social effects of CSR to organisational-level analysis’ whereby the effect of CSR on financial performance and profit is discussed. Secondly, researchers have moved from ‘explicitly normative and ethics oriented studies, to implicitly normative and performance-oriented managerial studies’.
Gandhi wanted to live and lead a moral and spiritual life and he did his very best to live by his ideals. Although he was assassinated in1848, he left the world with a long-lasting legacy. He respected and supported everyone and everything. Despite the sufferings and the hatred, he still held strong and remained true to his principals. He took it upon himself to make the sacrifices and to do what is necessary for the good of the people. He was a ‘weapon’ of non-violence and it was a miracle India gained her independence without any violence from Gandhi’s followers. He changed the course of history and shaped peoples minds. World Leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Dali Lama admired him and his beliefs. Gandhi has become one of the worlds most well respected man and his philosophy on life has left a lasting imprint on mankind.