Solution Focused Therapy Essay

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In the late 1970’s and early 80’s when therapists started realizing the non-pragmatic, prolonged, excessive past orientated and non-goal directed nature of traditional therapies, Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues’ answer to that was the Solution Focused Brief Therapy. Solution Focused Brief Therapy emerged in 1980’s when Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues in their Brief Family Therapy Centre, Milwaukee started seeing their cases with an inquisitive mind of what ingredients are really helping client in therapy. Focusing on such ingredients in their practice, lead to the evolution of Solution Focused Therapy.

Unlike in any other models, solution focused model believed in the client’s capacities, strengths, possibilities and resources. It believed that the every problem has an exception to it and clients might have successfully coped with their problem situation in sometimes in their life. Solution Focused Therapy approached client’s concerns at surface level without much dwelling on its causality and in contrast to that by eliciting what client’s preferred future. Techniques of the approach are embedded in the language which uses in the therapy as it also believe …show more content…

It emerged as a profession with the aim of helping people to help themselves. Therefore social workers see the nature of its clients, whether it is an individual or family, is inherently resourceful, capable and skillful to solve their own problem. It is only the difficult circumstances and environment which makes them not to see their inherent capacity. Social Workers help those needy through their scientific knowledge and professional skills by upholding the principles such as respect the inherent dignity and worth of person, respect the right to self-determination, accepts the client as he/she is and believe that acceptance is the crux of all help, identifying and developing strengths and so

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