Solomon Leo Russlander: The Ambiguous Man

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My views on the ambiguous man known as Solomon Leo Russlander, are that he possibly was a stereotypical frat boy who turned serious, at the turn of the century! I’m being facetious of course. Born April 16, 1879 in Bradford, Pa. He attended public grade school in New York and finished high school in 1896 as class valedictorian. I perceive him to come from a loving home, especially one surrounded by friends and loved ones. You could just get a sense of that by all the letters and the telegraph’s he received during his first graduation. He also had a keen sense of cultural values being part of a Jewish fraternity which shows his religious loyalties. After high school he attended Pennsylvania State College for Pre-law from 1896 to 1898, then later attended Columbia Law School from 1898-1901. After graduating he became a lawyer at the age of 22. He lived during an interesting time he missed both world wars, the first one because of his wealth, and the second one because he was too old. He would have been eligible to take part in the first world war, just barely but would have been eligible. What I believe to be the first trip together saved was to Mexico for their 14th …show more content…

He enjoyed whiskey and strong drinks such as an “Old Forester” he marked it as one of the drinks in his menu when he went to Japan. They also traveled to many other locations such as Mexico and Hawaii. They also had a habit of collecting and saving trinkets from their trips, it was usually things they seemed to have a more sentimental appeal to it. Such as a map of the layout of ship and where their rooms were. From what I gathered; I believe that when they traveled Leo was more reserved about learning and exploring other cultures. He seemed never really to venture out or even make any notations of anything that they did. Instead, he would however spend a lot of money on the trip and drinking, his wife however was more

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