Solomon: Difference Between Spirituality And Religion

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Without realizing it Spirituality might be apart of our daily lives. Solomon seeks to inform us the difference between religion and spirituality and how spirituality ultimately determines who we are and what happens to us.
According to Solomon, “religions seemed (and still seem) to me to be overly parochial an exclusive” (SS, XIV). Religion seems to have its limits in what it will address, it follows the doctrine of the church to which it belongs. Spirituality on the other hand is more liberal and free of interoperation. “Spirituality, as I conceived of it, embraced both emotion and rationality, both philosophy and religion,” (SS, XIV). Spirituality, as Solomon describes it, follows both doctrines and teachings, but it also embodies the “love of wisdom”. Spiritualty “remains truly nonsectarian and international,” (SS, XIV), it is not exclusive, it is available to all. …show more content…

Spirituality can be seen in the music we listen to everyday, when looking at nature, and when following our passions in life. This is also something that separates religion from spirituality; religion is seen as parochial, where as spirituality is free and found in everything we do. Solomon teaches us that, “Spirituality is not contained to religion,” (SS, XV). That is because we can find ourselves in someway we never imagined when we listen to music, or appreciate nature, or just simply living our lives following our passions. How often do we hear a song on Pandora and we instantly relate, we feel as if the artist is personally speaking to us, as if they know everything we are going thru. “Music takes us out of ourselves,” (SS, XV) it shows us more about ourselves than we ever knew was

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