Soldier For Life (SFL-TAP)

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Soldier for Life or SFL-TAP is a program that helps soldiers, family members and DA Civilians to transition out of the army or find a job outside of military life. Before there was ACAP or SFL-TAP, soldiers were given a few days to turn everything in and given their last paycheck, then given their belongings and sent on their way. A counselor read them a preset script explaining their options for the civilian jobs. Soldiers were able to wait until they were almost out and to the Army, this was too late for soldiers to learn about transition information. This resulted in soldiers not getting the skills they need to properly inter back into the civilian life. This is one of the reasons why ACAP was implemented. On 7 July 2014, …show more content…

The Soldier for Life program or SFL-TAP is a program for soldiers that are transitioning out of the army. It’s a tool used to help soldiers get back into civilian life and to give transitioning soldiers the skills to find a job. It’s an average of 40 hours throughout the 12 to 24 months. SFL-TAP is under AR 600-81. It was called ACAP, which stands for Army Career and Alumni Program. ACAP was established in 1990’s to help soldiers transition out of the army life easier. At that time, it offered “optional” workshops for soldiers to start the process within 90 days before separation or retiring from the military. The workshops were to help with understands how to budget their money, transition plans, transferring skills from military to civilian life, resume writing, job applications, how to conduct an interview and what options were available through VA benefits. Before ACAP, a soldier was not given these options and opportunities. Soldiers were given only days to get out …show more content…

Stage one is a review of the soldiers ITP (individual transition plan) and CRS (career readiness standards) deliverables. Stage two allows the commander to verify that the soldier has a viable ITP and met the CRS. Everything is then documented on DD Form 2958. (DD Form 2958 is the Service Members Individual Transition Plan Checklist) (AR 600-81). Phase six is the commander signing DD Form 2648 and then the online survey (wood). There are also complementary courses online on the JKO website. They consist of, Dress For Success, Family Concerns, Interview Techniques, ITP Review, Salary Negotiations, Skill Development, Special Issues and Value of a Mentor

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