Transition To Civilian Life

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Veteran to Civilian Life
“While more than seven-in-ten veterans (72%) report, they had an easy time readjusting to civilian life, 27% say re-entry was difficult for them—a proportion that swells to 44% among veterans who served in the ten years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (Morin, 2011)”. The military gives many stepping stones to be able to transition from military to civilian life. Many are required to take these stepping stones to ease the process of moving in another direction of their life. TAP or the Transition Assistance Program has helped veterans to better adjust to the challenges of re-entering civilian life by giving classes on skills needed to adjust to the upcoming life events (England,2003). Although the military …show more content…

Veterans of combat zones that experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) found it 34% harder to transition to civilian life (Morin, 2011). PTSD is a mental health condition were one might have flash backs, anxieties, and nightmares. These factors tend to hinder one on being able to carry out a normal job(Mayo Clinic, 2016). Seeing a friend die or being injured has also increased the difficulties of easing into civilian life (Morin, 2011). Out of all problems that can happen and fade over time while transitioning to civilian life PTSD will remain with them.
Married veterans find it hard as well “Overall, being married while serving reduces the chances of an easy re-entry from 63% to 48% (Morin, 2011)”. Deployment to a combat zone or being in the middle of the ocean away from family and loved ones taxes a marriage. Thus, creating extra stress on their personal life from what should be a support network. This extra stress can cause relationship problems which they don’t fully resolve add onto the stress from transitioning out of the miliatry (Morin, …show more content…

If veterans can use the programs like TAPS as another tool to add to their arsenal they might find it easier to transition (England,2003). Every veteran is going to experience becoming a civilian just as much as each military experience is unique, and all a veteran can do is use every tool given to them. Together with those tools and the help of friends, family, loved ones, or even a helping hand of a stranger all they can do is take life one day at a

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