Sociopathy Vs Sociopath Essay

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When people hear the words Psychopathy and Sociopathy, they normally think of serial killers like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, but these mental occurrences are much bigger than just serial killers. Both of these mental disorders Psychopathy and Sociopathy are mental disorders that most people have heard of, but do not know much about either disorder. There are many misconceptions of both of these disorders, because these are portrayed as dangerous in everyday life. They are seen as evil and violent, but that is not always the case. They tend to just be different but we think of them is bad because that is what we hear about on the news and from Hollywood. We see these people as serial killers and violent people, but that is not always the case. People tend to confuse these two disorders or use them interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two even though they share a great number of qualities.
Psychopathy is defined as a mental disorder in which an …show more content…

Dahmer was an American serial killer who killed 17 boys and men over the course of 13 years and he suffered from Sociopathy/ ASPD after a medical procedure to correct a double hernia. “He was described as an energetic and happy child until the age of 4, when surgery to correct a double hernia seemed to effect a change in the boy. Noticeably subdued, he became increasingly withdrawn following the birth of his younger brother and the family's frequent moves. By his early teens, he was disengaged, tense and largely friendless.” (“Biography of Jeffrey Dahmer,” 2017) Before the procedure Dahmer was a normal and happy kid. He was social and enjoyed life, but something happened and the surgery and he was a new child and was not the same happy kid. He was antisocial and did not have many friends if any. These are signs of Sociopathy. The interesting part is that Dahmer was not born with this condition, but it was brought on by a mistake in a

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