An example of a child who was abused then later in life transformed into a serial killer would be Donald Gaskins. Gaskins was abused by his step-father. This abuse was primarily physical abuse. This abuse followed him to school each day where he was bullied by his class mates. They primarily physically and emotionally abused him. This went on for years. The Federal Bureau of Investigation stated “neglect and abuse in childhood have been shown to contribute to an increased risk of future violence” (Morton). Just as the Federal Bureau of Investigation predicted Gaskins had enough. Gaskins and his friends went out and gang raped his friend’s sister. From there Gaskins became a rapist and began raping young girls and boys to find a way to cope …show more content…
from all the pain he had experienced as a child. After that point Gaskins found killing as an excellent way to cope. Gaskins killed several times. When he was finally caught, he was convicted of fifteen counts of murder. Gaskins was sentenced to the death penalty. To Gaskins all the awful crimes he had committed was worth it. Instead of seeing a therapist for the mental scars, Gaskins decided to handle them himself which is when he killed at least fifteen people. After experiencing a dramatic death or abuse, a chemical imbalance in the brain occurs which leads personality disorders to form.
A well-known personality disorder is psychopathy. Psychopathy’s shortened term “psycho” is often used as a slang term to mean crazy. Psychopathy is a real issue caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Psychopathic people have traits “common to some serial murderers, including sensation seeking, a lack of remorse or guilt, impulsivity, the need for control, and predatory behavior. These traits and behaviors are consistent with the psychopathic personality disorder” (Morton). Psychopathic tendencies are most common among killers. Although, “serial killers suffer from a variety of personality disorders, including psychopathy, anti-social personality, and others” (Morton). With psychopathy in a serial killer they feel they have a valid and justifiable reason for killing three or more people. With psychopathic killers feel their motives make their killing okay. Serial killers have “many other motivations for serial murders including anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking” (Morton). A common motive for serial killers is revenge. They feel that someone did them wrong, much like a person who was abused as a child. They feel they have a valid excuse for murdering the person that abused them or substitutes if they find that object of their rage unreachable. Another common motive is simply anger. With anger it is more often than not that they do not have a target. They are just angry and are willing to kill anybody to cope with it. Antisocial personality disorder is often in people who show “a lack of remorse and/or guilt, shallow affect, a lack of empathy, and failure to accept responsibility” (Morton). Antisocial personality disorder is similar to psychopathic personality disorder yet, it remains different. The Behavior Analysis Unit at the Federal Bureau of Investigation stated, “Psychopathy is a personality disorder
manifested in people who use a mixture of charm, manipulation, intimidation, and occasionally violence to control others, in order to satisfy their own selfish needs.” (Morton). The Behavioral Analysis Unit then stated, “anti-social behaviors include poor behavioral controls, early childhood behavior problems, juvenile delinquency, revocation of conditional release, and criminal versatility” (Morton). The Federal Bureau of Investigation have used the difference between the two personality disorders to categorize and catch some of the most famous killers that there are. Serial killers often have personality disorders because they are incapable of coping from their harsh past. Killers find murder is the best way to cope, as well as release the hatred they feel inside. What majority of the population does not realize is, “psychopathy is 60 percent heritable” (“Serial Killers”). Much like psychopathy, there is another disease called antisocial disorder. Both disorders allow for that person to fit in. Most times they are often sociable. People with antisocial disorder lack the feeling of remorse or guilt. To them nothing is wrong and they are incapable of feeling sorry for any action they have done. People with antisocial disorder are often breaking the law. They may start with traffic violations. Things such as constant speeding or running red lights would be committed by people who have antisocial personality disorder. Then they shift to petty crimes. Examples of this may include theft or assault. Then they may switch to substance abuse. Drugs like cocaine and meth are the biggest. Substance abuse can lead to a chemical change in the brain, thus harming that person more and worsening their disorder. It has been found that “Substance abuse can and does lead to increased aggression and violence.” (Morton). Then they hit the mother of all crimes, murder. Similar to a powerfully addictive drug, murder becomes an addiction for serial killers. Aileen Wuoros fell victim to this addiction similar to so many other serial killers. Just like her father she was a sociopath. Her father “was a sociopathic child murderer who was murdered himself” ("Serial Killers"). Although she “worked as a prostitute” (“Serial Killers”), Wuoros claimed “the murder of all the men had been in self-defense” (“Serial Killers”). Wuoros met criteria for antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder. It was said she loved to kill because to her each kill was sexually gratifying. Wuoros like many others cannot control this addiction. Killers everywhere have a rhyme and reason as to why they kill. According to agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, common “motivations for serial murders including anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking” (Morton). Therefore, there are multiple motives and each one is willing to tell investigators a little more about the killer at large. The anger suggests a traumatic event occurred leaving them scarred and wanting payback for all the pain that event caused them. Thrill suggests that the killer has a personality disorder that allows them to enjoy such horrific acts. Financial gain suggests that the killer cannot maintain a job because of a personality disorder. Finally attention seeking suggest that the unknown subject was abused as a child and has been ignored their whole life; causing them to seek fame and are thus willing to do anything to achieve it. Behavioral Analysis Units in the Federal Bureau of Investigation have found that serial killers are formed through the “product of their heredity, their upbringing, and the choices they make throughout development” (Morton). The behavioral analysis unit found that serial killers are often created from people who are a “failure to develop adequate coping mechanisms results in violent behavior” (Morton). This failure to develop a coping mechanism is primarily seen in Donald Gaskins. He was abused not only by his father, but also by his fellow peers and classmates. After it is all said and done, people everywhere have the potential of becoming a serial killer. After a traumatic experience, a chemical imbalance in the brain occurs; when left untreated, this can lead to the creation of a serial killer. A traumatic experience may include a sudden death. Sudden deaths may include murder, an accident, or a natural disaster. Another traumatic experience is abuse at a young age. All abuse is painful and leaves physical and emotional scars all the same. After traumatic experiences a person may have trouble coping. Those that have trouble coping, often times suffer from a personality disorder. Personality disorders include antisocial personality disorder and psychopathic tendencies. Overall those people that have trouble coping look for a way unique to deal with their emotions. Some find a sport, art, or even television as a way to cope. Although it is rare, serial killing is still a way of coping from a traumatic event. To serial killers the heinous acts they commit are like a drug. The majority of the time nothing can stop them from that craving. Serial killers also may be formed from the three common ways of creating a serial killer. The three ways are witnessing a murder, being abused, and having a personality disorder. All three are not needed, yet together they will make a force to be reckoned with. A very wise person once said, “We all cling to the past, and because we cling to the past, we become unavailable to the present.” ("Wisdom Quotes about Difficulties, Problems & Obstacles")
Simons, C. (2001). Antisocial personality disorder in serial killers: The thrill of the kill. The Justice Professional, 14(4), 345-356.
The motives and backgrounds of serial killers is a vexing topic. Not two people are the same, so therefore their motives differ. The different types of serial killers are: hedonistic, power seekers, gain, mission oriented, visionary, psychopathic, comfort, medical, organized, and disorganized. Motives of these murderers range from fear of being rejected, to “getting rid of what they deem bad,” or even to get sexual satisfaction from the suffering of their victims.
Common psychological disturbances in the stages of making a serial killer are seen in childhood and are usually based upon mental and psychological abuse endured by a child.
If a child is neglected or abused by a parent or guardian, then such bad behaviors or mental disorders can develop. “According to Sigmund Freud the development of the unconscious personality early in childhood will influence behavior for the rest of one’s life” (Freeman, web). When a child has no foundation to learn from, they cannot learn how to be ethical. Also the child may not be able to be empathetic and learn how to understand other people’s feelings. “Childhood adversity, such as abuse, neglect, parental loss, and other stressful experiences, has been estimated to account for 45% of the variance in childhood-onset psychopathology and 26-32% of the risk for later-onset psychiatric disorders” (Burgers, web). An example of a child affected by a lack of parenting is a man named Charles Manson. He grew up in a very unstable home. His mother was a sixteen year old prostitute who tried to sell him for one bottle to alcohol. While growing up, he moved between different family members since his mother was incapable of raising a child. Manson said in his own words “Rejection, more than love or acceptance, has been a part of my life since birth” (Emmons, pg. 24). As a result of such neglect and abuse, Manson created an occult. He made the people in the occult his new family who he could control. He then manipulated them to kill multiple people. Manson was named the most dangerous man alive and has a book on his life experiences before the killings (Emmons, web). Another serial killer who was abused as a child is John Wayne Gacy. He was molested by his uncle on multiple occasions. He then raped and killed thirty-three young
Individuals who are found to have antisocial personality disorder often exhibit patterns of manipulating or violating the rights of others, lack of regard for the law, lack concern for others, no control over their rage, and they lack guilt for any wrongdoings committed, among other signs. A person with APD will typically have a history of violence, aggressiveness, law-breaking, and deceitfulness dating back to childhood. APD is most common in men than in women. When considering criminal serial killers, people often state that these men they thought they knew were charming, sincere, and the ideal neighbor, but the truth is, it was just a façade masking cruel hatred. Three well-known serial killers that were diagnosed with having antisocial personality disorder are Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and John Wayne
Crazy, psycho, psychopath, sociopath, these are all common phrases that people use to describe the mental disorder that is clinically known as Antisocial Personality Disorder. Antisocial Personality Disorder is characterized by a lack of empathy for others and a disregard for social norms. Contrary to popular belief, being antisocial does not mean that someone enjoys being alone and avoids social situations, the proper term for that is asocial. Antisocial simply means that someone violates established social rules. This particular mental disorder is especially prevalent in modern fiction; movies, TV shows, and books often feature thrillers where a few daring detectives must hunt down a cold and calculating killer who shows no empathy for others and brutally torments his victims. Although Antisocial Personality Disorder is incredibly common among killers, especially serial killers and mass murderers, it is often mis-portrayed in fiction.
As years go on so will the research on serial killers and hopefully we as a society will fully understand them and one day be able to cure whatever inside that makes them have the urge to kill. Works Cited The Electronic Journal of Sociology, published by the University of Guelph, Ontario. According to the article “10 Most Common Traits of Potential Serial Killers By Hestie Barnard Gerber. According to Comrade Chikatilo: The Psychopathology of Russia's Notorious Serial Killer.
Serial killers are defined to “be driven by instinct and desire to kill.” In a study done in 2000, Dr, Richard Davidson says, “people with a large amount of aggression – in particular people who have committed aggressive murders or have a social disorder – have almost no brain activity in the orbital frontal cortex or the anterior cingulated cortex while activity in the amyglade continued perfectly. The orbital frontal cortex and the anterior congulated cortex control emotional impulses while the amyglade controls reactions to fear.” Davidson concludes his research claiming that although environment can and will affect a serial killer’s thoughts, it is a killer’s genetic makeup that inevitably creates murderous thoughts.
...Most serial killers do have OCD which is obsessive compulsive disorder which is when you have to have things go a specific way or else you think everything is going wrong, so organized serial killers will most likely have this disorder. Having multiple personality disorder is when you have two personalities; one is your normal self which serial killers most likely use to cover up the fact that they are killers. Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are triggered by the kind of things the serial killer goes through, so for depression the serial killer could get it from having a non-loving family, Anxiety can come from the struggles that the serial killer faces. Panic attacks can come from having too much anxiety. Serial killers are dangerous and very sick people. Most of them don’t realize they are doing something wrong because they could be severely mentally sick.
The infamous "Jack the Ripper", Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and Albert DeSalvo. Childhood abuse is a key point which has been known to fuel many serial murderers. While evidence has shown not all victims of child abuse grow up to be criminals and/or murderers. There's been a heightened risk shown to be associated with childhood trauma personality disorders and criminal activity in adulthood. So, what is child abuse? "Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child." (para. 2). Abuse is a sequence of behavior used to gain and control power over someone. There's many forms of child mishandling including but not limiting to physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and
Many studies suggest that there are significant differences in the brain between individuals who possess antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy). While not all people who possess an antisocial personality disorder will become serial killers, every serial killer studied has an antisocial personality disorder; “Neuropsychological testing revealed abnormalities in all subjects tested” (Blake, Pincus, and Buckner 1642). Brain injury, brain abnormalities, or mental illness affects all the serial killers tested. Even if all serial killers had some type of abnormality in the brain, would that mean that they were doomed to become a serial killer? According to the experimental findings discussed in Neurologic Abnormalities in Murderers; 64.5% of serial killers have a frontal lobe dysfunction and 29% have temporal lobe abnormalities. The frontal lobes of the brain “control the essence of our human...
A serial killer is defined in Webster's Dictionary as someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short period of time. There is no one generic profile to identify a serial killer. They usually are people seeking for a sensation, a lack of guilt or remorse, a need for control, impulsivity, and predatory behavior. These traits make up a psychopathic personality disorder. Psychopathy is a disorder manifested in people who use a mixture of charm, manipulation, manipulation, and occasional violence to control others, in order to satisfy their own wants and needs. There are four main types of serial killers; thrill seekers, mission-oriented, visionary serial killers, and power and control killers. There may be other
So what makes a serial killer? Levin points out that contrary to popular belief, serial killers don't just 'snap'; or 'go crazy'; (Douglas, p. 137). Many of the serial killers have been the victims of childhood abuse. Jack Levin stated 'Research shows many serial killers suffered abuse, incest or neglect as children and develop poor self images'; (Douglas, p. 137). Serial killers often have a childhood marked by the absence of any nurturing relationship. 'They often come from families where the parents were absent or ineffective, where authority was not defined, and where they could engage in destructive behavior undeterred-violent play, cruelty to animals, and incidents of arson being some of the childhood behavior patterns noted among many serial killers'; (Clark, p. 206).
According to the article “What a Killer Thinks,” by Dave Cullen, there are three categories of killer motivation: the psychopath, the delusionally insane, and the depressed. In serial killing, the motivation falls into the category of psychopaths. The psychology of these people are generally that they simply enjoy killing or feel a need to kill, which is why they murder so many people. According to the article, they state that “They seem to be born with no capacity for empathy,...
The psychological disorder of antisocial personality disorder with and without psychopathy in violent offenders was researched in the article “Cool and Hot Executive Function Impairments in Violent Offenders with Antisocial Personality Disorder with and without Psychopathy”. People diagnosed with antisocial personality have no indication of shame and neglect the privileges and mindsets of others. Antisocial personality disorder can be diagnosed with and without psychopathy. If they have psychopathy, then they have a mental disorder that shows irregularities within the brain and interactive behavior with other people. Central symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include disobeying the regulations of society, antagonistic behavior, deficiency of obligation, unwarily dishonest, inattentive behavior and scarcity of repentance for maltreatment done on others (Nevid, J.S., Rathus, S.A., & Greene, B., 2008).