E. Ed Gein: A Serial Killer

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First Kill
The sight of a woman's decapitated body in a shed, hung upside down by ropes at her wrists, with a crossbar at her ankles were merely just a glance of the bigger picture. There were wastebasket made of human skin, bowls made from human skulls, leggings made from human leg skin, and masks made from females heads. This is the home of famous murder and body snatcher, Ed Gein. His case was unique, he didn’t murder in anger, revenge, or financial plesaure but on the emptiness left by his mother. The one question that dwells on every psychologists, criminologists, and scientists mind is whether killers like him were born with these genes that plays a crucial part in creating their homicidal tendencies or do psychokillers become murderous through their surroundings as children.
Second Kill …show more content…

The infamous "Jack the Ripper", Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and Albert DeSalvo. Childhood abuse is a key point which has been known to fuel many serial murderers. While evidence has shown not all victims of child abuse grow up to be criminals and/or murderers. There's been a heightened risk shown to be associated with childhood trauma personality disorders and criminal activity in adulthood. So, what is child abuse? "Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child." (para. 2). Abuse is a sequence of behavior used to gain and control power over someone. There's many forms of child mishandling including but not limiting to physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and

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