Social Work Burnout

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It could be said that one of the most important traits of a social worker is being able to empathise with people you work alongside, being able to put yourself into other people shoes at really emotional and often at times of crisis (Rubin and Babbie, 2011). Being able to build an almost instant rapport is essential and showing you care and understand shows individuals that you are willing to give them time and patients and a non-judgemental approach (Beresford, 2011). Being an effective social worker requires plenty of patients, cases are very often complex and may involve many agencies at once and changes in circumstances or within a case may not happen quickly. Beresford (2011) also argues that being objective is essential in social work …show more content…

It is thought that staff shortages and reliance on temporary staff, excessive workloads and culture of blame and lack of support are the reason behind this. High levels of work pressure can lead to burnout in social workers. There have been very few previous studies into social work burnout, however previous studies in other professions pinpointed burnout was due to lack of control within the profession itself (Evans et al, 2006). McGregor (2014) supports Evans et al (2006) stating that rising caseloads, better pay and conditions in private firms and culture of blame when something happens are issues local authorities are faced with when recruiting and retaining social work staff and the challenges that social workers are faced with on a daily basis may have a massive impact on social workers personal mental health and …show more content…

The number of children being referred to social services since the death of baby P in 2007 had risen almost 70%, this was also a common morale problem amongst social workers in the children’s services sector. Smith (2012) also suggested that morale was so low amongst social workers that often some would report to feeling depressed and despondent, however it was also suggested that even though morale was reported to be low, there had been plenty of examples of good practice amongst social workers and a positive view of job

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