Social Welfare Combating Poverty And Homeless Summary

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Lane, Mark. Social Welfare: Addressing Poverty and Homelessness. Detroit, MI: Gale, 2015. Print.
The book was authored by Mark Lane, an attorney and New York legislator, for Gale Cengage Learning. This publication covers topics that cover the full spectrum of homelessness in the United States. Historical data is used to test current models for homelessness prevention strategies for efficiency over the course of a homelessness prevention policy’s total life. It’s noted that the criminalization of homelessness is the least effective and most expensive way of combating homelessness which is congruent with data presented in my source, “Homeless Bill of Rights: Moving United States Policy Toward a Human Right to Housing” (135). The largest portion …show more content…

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) program allocates funds to nonprofit groups and local governments to aid them in the implementation of homelessness prevention strategies with an emphasis in housing-first efforts as a primary means of eradicating homelessness which is the main method (housing-option) presented in the previously mentioned journal article (124). Helping the homeless find jobs is a significant way to help them better their living situation by providing at least some form of financial security. There’s a direct responsibility on the private sector to comply with homelessness prevention efforts (and anti-discrimination efforts) by allowing this particular group of individuals to apply for and receive working positions. The role of homelessness prevention doesn’t fall solely on the backs of governments and nonprofits. Homelessness is an issue that requires all citizens’ and sectors’ (private and public) help to decrease or eradicate homelessness entirely (109-110). Many factors contribute to a households’ homelessness status but decades of research have shown that the primary cause of homelessness is the lack of ability to pay for housing (113). The homelessness prevention strategy (financial assistance) presented in my source

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