Social Learning Theory And Self-Efficacy In Prison Work-Release Prison

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Research Question/Topic:

-Social learning theory and self-efficacy leads to implications on how this theory can positively affect prison work release programs and inmate post-release outcomes.
-Causal relationship of deviant behavior explained by Social Learning Theory.
-Social learning theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning which has four components: attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation
-Bandura’s theory of modeling, or “observational learning,” that states humans are able to control their behaviors through a process known as self-regulation.
-Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization: a neighborhood surrounded …show more content…

-searched for journal articles and books, which presented theoretical viewpoints of Social Learning Theory and self-efficacy as it relates to prison work release programs and recidivism.
-searched for information on the application of social learning theory to pre- and post-release prison educational programs.
-investigated journal articles which discussed how self efficacy impacts post-release prison outcomes.
-searched in the educational research library of Florida International University, using the following descriptors: prison work release programs, social learning theory, self-efficacy and adults, Albert Bandura, prison vocational training programs, prison education, and recidivism.

Pertinent issues to consider:
-is increasing the education level of prisoners. Prisoners typically have lower education levels than the national norm.
-low education levels make it difficult to provide inmates with the necessary job skills to gain employment, where they can receive sufficient pay to support themselves and possibly their families.

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