Social Justice

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1. Dimensions of social justice: - Commutative justice: It can also be contractual justice and it deals with the relationship between individuals, groups, and classes. This kind of justice is the basic building block of society that deals with how individuals enter into relationship and agreements with each other. It involves the give-and-take that is part of the relationship and the benefits and responsibilities that go with them. Example: A situation in which a buyer and a seller are involved. The seller agrees to fix something or do something, such as cutting my grass. After the job has been completed, as the buyer of a service I must complete the transaction. - Contributive justice: This type of justice deals with an individual’s relationship …show more content…

By building comfortable and safe places for these people we are helping them to improve their quality of life. - Distributive justice: Deals with the society’s duty to the individual. It pertains to the relationship of the whole to the parts. It seeks the well-being of all members of a community, which means one’s basic rights must be safeguarded and protected. There is also an emphasis in protecting society’s weaker members, advocating a greater solidarity with the …show more content…

Simply freedom to do whatever one wants without outside interference. Freedom is spoken of in terms of fundamental rights and fundamental responsibilities. Oppression and fear are two methods that the Syrian government implement in the community. Most of the refugees were subject to abuse and they did not have the liberty to express their thoughts or preferences. Some decided to protest because they were tired of the authoritarian regime and they wanted to have freedom of expression, freedom to elect someone that would look for their interests, freedom to do whatever they wanted without restrictions. L- Life as a sacred gift: Gives the expression to the value of human life in all of its stages, in all of its dimensions, in all of its manifestations. All human beings are endowed with a biological and spiritual gift that must be honored and respected. Is interested in the quality of life that reflects the designs of a provident God who desires the full and integral development of each person in

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