Social Influences

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Social Influences on Behavior
Our social influences have such a big impact on our behavior throughout our lifespan. Human interaction greatly impacts human behavior. As individuals, we behave certain ways at different times and places. Our social influences can alter or shape actions, speech, attitude, etc. In the world of psychology social behavior is in everything that we do, even when the time comes that you find yourself alone at home, and no one is around. Social psychology is the actions that we take, words we speak, whether with others or not, and knowledge we have. Attitude is a relatively enduring and general evaluation of an object, person, group, issue, or concept on a scale ranging from negative to positive ( Throughout …show more content…

Advertisers and marketing professionals often play into this concept by creating commercials and print ads that aim to increase purchasing based on what other people do or buy. For example, if you are a new parent and see a commercial for Huggies diapers. In the commercial they explain that diapers you are currently using don't absorb as well as Huggies and your baby will have more wetting incidents, you may be more likely to buy that product. Another example, the beauty product industry is infamous for using it's social control through celebrities to pressure consumers into buying their products. Covergirl make-up uses celebrities like Rihanna, Queen Latifah, Taylor Swift, Ellen, Drew Barrymore and Katy Perry, to name a few. While the competitor L'oreal uses beyonce in their …show more content…

If someone is in a very unhealthy, abusive relationship and they attach themselves emotionally to a toxic person because they don't want to be alone, as the abuse continues, this human interaction may result in a change of behavior. This behavior change may be negative. People have a great influence on other people's behavior. Some change of behavior may be more of a reaction than a behavior. For example, a person being frightened because they are being abused by another person. If this individual has never been around this kind of violence and was raised in a loving, caring, and safe environment, being frightened could result in a panic attack. The human behavior changed in this situation when the panic attack occurred. Also because of attachment, phenomenons and changes can be associated with social facilitation, which is will make a person want to try to do better when under social

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