Social Influence

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What are the unseen social forces that push and pull us to behave or think in a certain way? Why do we behave and interact with others in the way that we do? Research on social influence helps shed light on these invisible forces in our world that influence us. When we see how these forces operate in our everyday lives, we can better understand why people feel and act as they do. The first factor of social influence, human nature and cultural diversity, is important in many ways because we are more alike than different. However, at times when we are confronted by those with dissimilar attitudes or attributes, we react negatively. Evolution has prepared us to live creatively in this changing world, and our increasingly culturally diverse surroundings. In addition, gender and genes as well as culture powerfully affect our attitudes and behavior. Men and women’s social connections and cultural perspectives differ from one another for a variety of reasons. Can these societal expectations known as gender roles be attributed to culture, or is there a genetic difference responsible? Culture is the traditions, beliefs, and attitudes shared by a large group and transmitted across generations; there are a multitude of cultures and subcultures globally. These cultures have a shaping effect on the ideas about how men and women should behave. The factors of persuasion are everywhere as well, and we seek to understand what leads to effective, long lasting attitude change. The two ways to arrive at long lasting change are: the central route to persuasion and the peripheral route to persuasion. The final concept of social influence discussed is power to the person. The module teaches a great truth: the power of the situation as well as the power ...

... middle of paper ... be heavily influence by the social environment in which they are in, be it the office or out eating dinner. We take cues from our environment as to what appropriate behavior is, how we should respond to certain actions, and how we should interact with those around us. The use of social influence in the work place can have encouraging results such that individuals and groups work in the best interests of their workplace with higher levels of job satisfaction. In every situation that people encounter, they rely on trigger features to help them efficiently assess the environment. These triggers act as mental shortcuts to guide their attitudes and behavior. Furthermore, these shortcuts and mental associations enable them to react immediately to the situation at hand. However, these reactions are not always positive or appropriate to the situation at hand.

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