Social Control In Society

603 Words2 Pages

Social control involves rules and behaviors that members of a society are expected to follow. Many of us fail to recognize how socially controlled we really are. It is not because we are oblivious to it, but its simply because we have been trained to learn and know the norms of the society we live in. When members of a society don’t follow or do follow the social norms people are given both positive and negative sanction. The two main ways of social control are used is by internalized externalized control. All of us have experience both internalized control and externalized control in various ways. Some experiences could have been positive or negative. Social control has a lots of positive outcomes but there should be a limit to how much of our lives are controlled. The way social control works is when society has established a set of norms that everyone agrees upon. These norms apply to specific settings, situations and behaviors. These norms are universal, and everyone is expected to follow them. Society need social control to maintain order, it also creates and establishes unity, ...

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