Social Class In America Essay

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Social class is real and alive in the United States. Social class is not just about what cars we drive (Mercedes Benz versus a Honda Accord), where we shop (Bloomingdales versus Kohl’s), the schools we attend (public versus private) or what our income is. Social class is also psychological in regard to how we feel, think and interact. I have noticed that people generally intermingle with those who share similar backgrounds, education and incomes. Those who are higher up in the class ladder also have better opportunities offered to them. The gap between the rich and the rest is shown through every part of their lives such as, educational advantages, job opportunities, healthcare advantages and residential safety. For example, some families who …show more content…

People generally only engage with those who are in the same class as them because they feel their values and interests align together and that their collaborations will be positive. Since the lower-class do not have much interaction with the upper-class, this will make it more difficult for the lower-class to network and create strong connections with those in the upper-class. The United States seems to have rising inequality while having a slow-moving economic mobility rate. Those in the upper or upper-middle classes get to experience better health and live longer than those in the middle classes, who live longer and better than those in lower-class or at the bottom. I would say this is due to income, strong jobs and key connections which aid the upper class in receiving the best medical care and treatment. Education is known to be the determining factor towards advancement in our society however, that is also extremely dependent on wealth and class status. My father decided to come to the United States with the belief of the American Dream - anyone can achieve success and happiness through hard

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