Importance Of Social Class

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What is social class, and why is it so important?

Many people are a where of social class, and can recognize it in their everyday lives, but don’t quite understand why is so prominent and important. Throughout this essay I am going to try to demonstrate, that, social class is a set of concepts in social science, which center on modules of social stratification. Where people are grouped by hierarchical categories, such as upper, middle and lower classes. And that it is important in many different ways. Social Class is probably one of the most important issues that sociologists debate and still there is no straightforward definition. Theories developed by the two classical sociologists Karl Marx and Max Weber are extremely important, and they form the basis for most analysis of doc al class. Though they both came up with different theories, Weber’s approach was built on the analysis developed by Marx.

The theory of social class is questioned and debated quite a lot. In sociology, social class is characterized as one form of social stratification. A broad explanation, is that “a class is a large-scale of people who share common economic resources, which strongly influence the type of lifestyle they are able to lead” Giddens and Sutton (2013). The ability to own property, ones wealth, and occupation are the main dividing factors of different classes. When a society is organized by class, instead of castes, it then ideally leaves open the possibility for a person to obtain a higher status, then they were originally born with. I believe that both sociologists did accept this on some level. Marx saw it in a two-dimensional way, with class associations and economic matters at the center of social conflicts. Where as Weber took a more ...

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...le. It is rooted in their Declaration of Independence, which states ‘All men are equal”. It is this that gave so many people hope that they could achieve more. And this is what led so many struggling Irish to go flocking to their shores. It was the possible hope of being able to grow and develop to their fullest potential, unobstructed by the barriers which have slowly arose in older societies. Most of all not blocked by social orders, that were defined for the benfit for the class as a hole, and not for the individual human being. It is considered that education is the most fundamental element if you want to grow and develop further. Education within social class is a major obstacle. Those who don’t have it envy those who do, but if can over come it, it can help propel you threw the boundaries and limitation of social class and hopefully on to better opportunities.

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