Smoking Cigarettes is Playing Russian Roulette with Your Life

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Teenagers and Adults, Smoking/Cigarettes. Most people tend to think of those clubs with the drum and a few instruments on the stage, with the words being spoken by a guy wearing black and a beanie placed on his head. But it’s more than coffee and a crowd. It such a simple word, a simple way of amplifying a situation, a way to subtle give a message or blatantly point it out. Especially if it can change a person’s life, to better it, by quitting something harmful to their health like smoking. There is one man whom has gotten his point across, Nick Flynn has passed on a message that is clear and honest, in Some Ether, “I know cigarettes can kill & wonder why she wants to die.” (GoodReads Inc. 2). Cigarettes can lead to many different pains, whether they be losing several pieces of their body from a fingers to a leg…or worse. It’s not just a blackened lung and a lifelong cough, it is a destruction that can or will last a lifetime and not just to the smoker.

Lighting up a cigarette, and you may as well pick a coffin…or an urn. Cigarettes can lead to many different harmful factors ranging from death to living with a contraption to stick in your throat to speak, or even losing fingers, toes and legs. A person can lose more than body parts, but the family and loved ones can also experience loss from the death of the smoker or a parent having to watch their teenager or adult children’s health slowly spiral downwards.

Smoking tobacco or cigarettes doesn’t always end in a slow death, but it can put your life in a wheel-chair. This quote by Nick Flynn, “I know cigarettes can kill & wonder why she wants to die.” (GoodReads Inc.) It might impact teenagers and some adult’s frame of thinking when it comes to tobacco, and lessen the ris...

... middle of paper ... people who pick up the habit of Smoking. The audience range from young adult to Adults that can be influenced to smoke or pick up the habit. There are people losing limbs, having to spend their life in a wheel chair or use an artificial larynx in order to speak, basically losing their life or forced to live with it.


Works Cited

GoodReads Inc. Quotes about Smoking. 4 February 2014. Quotes. 4 February 2014. .

Jindal, Surinder K. Smoking and the Screen Celebrities. 25 July 2008. 4 February 2014. .

Pearce, Matt. At least four Marlboro Men have died of smoking-related diseases . 27 January 2014. 4 February 2014. .

Vonnegut, Kurt. "Quote." n.d.

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