Smoke Persuasive Speech

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Smoke College and You
Nathanael Citron

After finishing your English class, you pack up your books and start towards your next class, math. It’s a beautiful day a crystal clear morning, with the sun peaking just over the trees. You stop and greet a friend who is on their way to a class, and you think to yourself, this is one day I am going to enjoy. Man! are your wrong. Rounding the bend, you come upon a group of people. Smoke is billowing from their faces. They’re not on fire, they’re just smoking. A bad smell fills the air, you ketch your breath then begin to choke. Your throat constricts and you can’t breathe. You fall to the ground and pass out and you are only revived when 911 arrives. This an excellent example of a student …show more content…

Well this saying is a little more accurate, “smoke kills.” The affect of SHS is even more deadly than first hand smoke. The cost of SHS in our lives is staggering because smoking is detrimental to our lives, smoking should be banned from college campuses. Lets now look at the cost of second hand smoke to non smokers, 42,000 heart disease death a year are directly linked to second hand smoke. 300,000 repertory tract infections each year are linked to SHS. 790,000 visits to ear doctors were linked to problems caused by SHS. The problems caused by SHS totaled over 96 billion dollars in damages. This quote clearly demonstrates the cost “According to the American Cancer Society, smoke-related health concerns and diseases cost the U.S. an estimated $96 billion in insurance premiums and health care costs each year, compared to France’s $16.6 billion and the United Kingdom’s $9.5 billion.” Smoking is a huge problem and should be eliminated from college. Smoke …show more content…

Almost everywhere you turn on a campus that allows smoking there are cigarette buts, on the ground, on the path ways and in the flower beds. This kind of littering is bad for three reasons. First it looks bad, it’s bad for the environment, and it promotes more litter. On campuses that allow smoking any observer can tell you allowing smoking is a bad idea. Cigarettes are all over. One professor observed a student dropping a cigarette but right outside a door to a building that had a sign saying no smoking within 20 ft of building. Littering cigarette buts on the ground is detrimental to the environment. The hundreds of chemical compounds that are in cigarettes seep out when it rains and they get into the water system and harm fish and fresh water turtles. Many ecosystems are damaged because of Cigarettes we must protect our Environment. Finely cigarettes litter causes more litter. Many people are more likely to keep a campus clean if it starts out clean but if there is tons of cigarettes on the ground people are more likely to just dump their trash on the ground. This is also another harm to the environment. When people smoke on a campus it is inconsiderate to non smokers who have to be on that campus for their classes and cannot get away smoking should not be allowed on campus because non smokers should not have to put up with smoke and the mess that comes with it. This quote from a sign in

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