Slow Violence And The Environmentalism Of The Poor, By Rob Nixon

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In the book of Slow Violence and the environmentalism of the poor, Rob Nixon makes the conceptual framework called slow violence. This book emphasizes the relationship between slow violence and the activists of environmental justice in the whole society. What’s the “slow violence”? From author’s definition, the term means “a violence that occurs gradually and out of sight, a violence of delayed destruction that is dispersed across time and space, an attritional violence that is typically not viewed as violence at all (2).” In other words, “slow violence” is a summary term for the all unseen violence. People may not see slow violence in their life, but the power of slow violence spread anywhere. Climate change, toxic draft, light and air pollution, …show more content…

In the background of globalized world, countries of neoliberalism or capitalism as the domination role controls the whole society. During the background, people live in the fast-paced society and hardly considers the slow violence. The prohibitive cost of education and house, low social security, high unemployment rate, and some other problems make people hard to focus on others. There is the problem in the field. As the environmental aspect, globalization makes the inequality among countries. When company starts to enhance themselves, employers will find lots of cheap labors and resources from the developing countries. Some international company puts their industrial factories and product line to China, India these developing countries. During the process, the developing countries solve the problem of employment and companies save the cost of labor and natural sources. However, for the environment of developing countries, there is a disaster. When developing countries continue to receive the factories of international companies, the slow violence corrodes the environment of developing countries (28). Even though the employment will increase at this period, the environment would receive the irreversible terrible change. Nixon thinks this influence is from structural slow violence

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