Slavery In Harriett Beecher Stowe's Uncle Toms Cabin

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Uncle Toms Cabin gives a deeper understanding of the hardships of slavery in America and how these people were treated, in a country that was supposed to be of all men created equal. Though this book goes deeper than what is presented at face value, though racism is also a very large and important part of this story. Harriett Beecher Stowe reveals more in her novel than just the terrible acts of slavery, and what it was like to be stuck as a slave with no way out. In this story she gives two different perspectives in my opinion, one of tremendous sorrow, and struggle as we follow Tom throughout the story and feel and see the pain and hardships he must endure. And the other of Eliza who does a extremely courageous thing in trying to smuggle her son off the plantation in order to save her son from being sold to a coarse slave owner. Uncle Toms Cabin is a book that illustrates not only the need to end slavery and the incompatibility of slavery with the values of Christianity, but emotionalism, the importance of keeping ones faith, as well as women being viewed as equals.
In this novel as previously stated, we follow two distinct paths, which Stowe tries to illustrate for the reader. Tom is a man whom is not content with his situation, he is not happy to be viewed as an inferior being to people who are all the same, aside from the color of their skin. Tom is a great example of a devout Christian; he truly believes in the religion and practices what he preaches. He shows examples throughout the book of treating others, as he wants to be treated, though he hardly ever receives the same courtesy from others. The other road this book takes is a mothers struggle, Eliza, to find salvation for her and her family, when she hears th...

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... faced, nor the terrible people he becomes involved with to change him as a true Christian, keeping his faith in religion and believening God to make all things better for him through time. His death could be seen as Toms salvation, allowing for him to finally come to peace and live freely. Lastly, Stowe shows the importance of women in a time when nobody was truly giving womens rights and abilitities much thought, instead in a way suppressing them much like they did the slaves. In a time when slavery was the main issue, Stowe was able to lay the framework for womens rights, though we would not see much progress for years to come. All of the important issues Stowe saw in her life were put forth in this book, allowing Stowe to speak freely and help shed light on these issues so others could see the true problems and what was truly going on, in these horrid times.

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