Slaughter's Essay 'Why Women Still Can' T Have It All

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Who say’s women can’t have it all? But why? Well, as we take a look at the essay “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” Author Anne-Marie Slaughter believes that they can’t. You would think that with her claims of women not being able to have it all, she’s implying that men can. But in fact, she’s putting it all out on the table with her experiences, her prestigious career, and being an active role model to women. Slaughter still strongly believe that women can “have it all,” as well as men too. But she senses that with today’s society and the American economy the current structure will prohibit this from happening.
Using her personal career as a platform Slaughter elaborates on her belief that women can’t have it all. She claims that women cannot be an active parent along with having a high-profile career, such as the government in her case. Initially she believed that there was nothing wrong with being attentive to both. Slaughter’s son began to act out in school while she had been eighteen months in with her job as the first woman director of policy planning at the …show more content…

Her job at the time just didn’t allow her to be there when he needed her most. Meanwhile, her husband was the active parent who did everything he could to support Slaughter’s career. He also took primary care of their children. Slaughter tells her former colleague how tough it was to not be there when her son certainly needed her and based off of what she had been going through, that when it was all over she would write an op-ed titled “Women Can’t Have It All.” When I was a child I use to think that if you dealt your cards right you could have an eminent career along with being an active parent. However, that most certainly wasn’t the case in Slaughter’s situation. Given the fact that she says that if

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