Sir Walter Ralegh Research Paper

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Sir Walter Ralegh English Renaissance Poetry
Sir Walter Ralegh was a famous poet during the Renaissance. He was best know as a lyric poet to many poets during the late 1500s. Some of his well-known work, “Nature, That Washed Her Hands in Milk” explains Raleigh's how all things come to an end. Another poem of Raleigh's, “A Farewell to False Love,” is about being blinded by the person you love and suffering from the aftermath of guilt and regret that goes along with a broken heart. Ralegh wrote a poem in response to Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” titled, “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”, this poetic response to Christopher Marlowe explains how the Shepherd is opposite to the Nymph and both poets have a different view on life and love. Ralegh's poems were straightforward, he was known as a silver poet during his time era. He was classified with other poets such as Edmund Spenser and John Donne …show more content…

Sir Walter Ralegh set sail on many voyages to colonize lands. Working under Queen Elizabeth, he voyaged to North America where he was responsible for colonizing the coastline north of Florida. (Cambridge University Press, 1910) He was famous for his explorations to the New World by colonizing North Carolina, the states present day capital is named after him. Sir Walter Ralegh kept going on voyages to colonize land, but when returned home he paid for his mistake of a secret marriage which resulted in his execution for disobeying the Queens rules. The lifestyle that was lived during this time period was a lot of exploration of the world and working under royalty. (Cambridge University Press, 1910) Being in England and working under the Queen had its benefits, but the punishments that were given and received by fellow people were

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