Comparing The Passionate Shepherd to His Love and Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd

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Comparing The Passionate Shepherd to His Love and Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd and the stark contrast of the treatment of an identical theme, that of love within the framework of pastoral life. I intend to look at each poem separately to give my interpretation of the poet's intentions and then discuss their techniques and how the chosen techniques affect the portal of an identical theme. The poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love appears to be about the Elizabethan courtly ideal of living with the barest necessities, like a shepherd, in the country. "We will all the pleasures prove that hills and valleys, dales and fields' Or woods or steppy mountains yields." Why Marlowe writes this poem is difficult to fully understand. Perhaps it is a reaction against the life he has lived so far ,in the courts of London. Maybe it is a genuine love poem to his mistress, a sort of offer of a way of life. Both concepts, though, underline the simplistic romanticism of the poem. " Come live with me and be my love" Written in any stanza of a poem would suggest that the poem was about love, but here Marlowe chooses to start and end the poem with the same line. This suggests two things that this indeed was the reason for writing the poem, to woo his love. Or maybe is the line was not meant to be taken literally just really to prove that what he says really does mean something and to emphasize the subject and the romanticism of the poem I intend to discuss the concept if the love poem first. Marlowe paints a picture of the romantic dream of love. The scene is pastoral and idyllic, of the simple shepherd surrounded by his sheep in a b... ... middle of paper ... ...only last a certain amount of time because we know nothing can last forever as life as not eternal. The poem The Nymphs Reply to the Shepard is set out in six stanzas each composed of four lines of similar length. This is a mimic of the layout used by Marlowe, here this gives prominence to the similarity of the two poems. Added to this both poems have a similar rhyme scheme and rhythm: " Come live with me and be my love " and the rhyme scheme of AABB running through both poems and effecting the readers opinion and interpretation. I enjoyed reading both poems which were interesting in the contrasting views of both poets. Whilst Raleigh's view of love is , I would guess , the more realistic, as a young girl I feel that Marlowe's poem is much more romantic and exciting. Perhaps old age will change my opinion..

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