Let me tell you a tale of a noble knight named Sir Robin. The story begins long ago in medieval times, around the year 1300 AD in the quaint village of York, England. Our tale is centered around one noble boy, the young Robin son of the Lord and Lady of York. Ever since Robin was a lad, he was fascinated by the noble knights in his village. He had always dreamed of becoming just like them, and with approval from his parents, Robin was allowed to shadow the knights. At age 16, Robin would go out on patrol with the knights every morning and would not return until dusk. Robin’s hard work and dedication payed off when he was finally knighted at age 18, the youngest ever in York. His whole family was so proud, even his two younger sisters, Eleanor …show more content…
All he had to do now was present himself to King Arthur and ask to join his Round Table. Simple enough, right? Once he was inside the walls, he was escorted to Arthur’s throne room. The hallways in the castle seemed to go on forever and the longer he walked, the more nervous he became, and the more doubt set in. Would Arthur really take him in as a knight? What if Arthur just laughs at him and sends him home? What would he tell his sisters? With so many thoughts racing through his head, he barely noticed that they stopped in front of a large, wooden door. “This is as far as we go. Good luck.” The knights then left him alone outside of Arthur’s throne room. After he worked up enough confidence, he took a deep breath, and he opened the doors. Inside was a man standing with his backed turned. “Are you King Arthur?” He …show more content…
Once you are ready to start your quest, meet me on the edge of the village and I will give you more information and a map.” And with that, Merlin disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Robin stocked up on food, fresh water, and warm blankets. And for good measure, he also brought along a sword. After he was certain he had everything that he needed, Robin made his way to the edge of the village. There he met up with Merlin again. “This map should lead you straight to Rosaline’s tower, but be warned, her tower has been told to be guarded by a ferocious dragon. Anyways, that’s all for now. Good luck on your journey.” And once again Merlin vanished into thin air. Well, I better get a move on if I want to make it to the tower before
Life during the Middle Ages was full of social change, division, and classism. This feudal society of Britain was divided into three estates. (social classes) Within the second estate was the the knight who was a soldier for the king who fought in many battles. Even though the knight is expected to have the strength and the skills to fight in battle, all knights during the Medieval period additionally had a chivalrous aspect to them. Chivalry was the honor code of a knight which included bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. Within the stories of the “Wife of Bath’s Tale” and “Le Morte d’Arthur”, the code of chivalry was broken by knights which show the corruption of England’s feudal society.
One of the most enduring myths in the Western world is that of Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Regardless of the origins of the tales, the fact is that by the time they had been filtered through a French sensibility and re-exported to England, they were representations of not one but several ideals. Courtly love and chivalry and the various components thereof, such as martial prowess, chastity, bravery, courtesy, and so on, were presented as the chief virtues to aspire to, and the knights as role models. Arthur's eventual fall is precisely because of having failed at some level to fulfill these ideals in his life.
In the movie A Knight’s Tale the two main knights were William Thatcher and Count Adhemar. They both showed chivalry and courtly love, but not correctly. More of chivalry was followed more and the right way. The movie is very loosely based on Geoffrey Chaucer’s book Canterbury Tales. His father always wanted him the change his stars so he would not live in poor life forever. Even though both knights were good, William was better because he followed chivalry, courtly love, and prowess in battle.
KNIGHT At age seven a son of a noble family was sent to a nobleman or lord, often who was a relative. Here he was a page and taught how to ride a horse, and his manners. At the age of fourteen he was apprenticed to a knight. As the squire to the knight he would take care of his horse, help him put the knights armor on and keep it clean. In turn he was taught how to use a bow, carve meat, and other knightly skills. The squire would have to go into battle with the knight to help him when he was wounded or unhorsed. If the squire was successful he would be knighted at the age of 21. When there wasn't a war going on knight would have to practice, practice, and practice some more. They would wrestle, fight with blunt swords, do acrobatics, and also do sports like javelin and putting which is throwing a heavy stone as far as you can.
King Arthur, a courageous man, who was able to pull out a sword from a rock as simple as possible. As for everyone else who tired, it was almost impossible. This was just the beginning stage of Arthur becoming a king. The thing that Merlin didn’...
At age thirteen William was sent to William De Tancarville, to begin his military training for the knighthood. William De Tancarville was known throughout Europe as one of the grander patrons of knighthood. In the Tancarville household, William would learn courtliness in addition
In the Medieval Period, knights dedicated their lives to following the code of chivalry. In Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, a number of characters performed chivalrous acts to achieve the status of an ideal knight. Their characteristics of respect for women and courtesy for all, helpfulness to the weak, honor, and skill in battle made the characters King Arthur, King Pellinore, and Sir Gryfflette examples of a what knights strove to be like in Medieval society. Because of the examples ofchivalry, Le Morte d’Arthur showed what a knight desired to be, so he could improve theworld in which he lived.
In the days of King Harry II, Robin Hood was an adventurous, kind gentlemen and good yeoman. For instance, he was the most courteous outlaw in all of Sherwood. Although he did steal from the rich to get his money, it was for a righteous purpose. There were many impecunious people in England, and Robin Hood provided for them. He never kept the money for his own selfish lusts or desires. When the tale of Robin Hood is told, it gives a clear perspective of his fearless, honest, and compassionate heart, making him a true hero.
Response: First of all, Robin's personal crusade against the Sheriff has evolved into something way past what he initially intended. It's gotten a bit out of hand. So the first issue that needs to be addressed is the focus. Robin should not lose sight of his initial crusade. After all, that's why he started as an out-law in the first place. He needed men to fulfill his quest, but now with the excessive number of men and the excessive demands placed upon the Merrymen, he needs to address the purpose of his revolt. He believed that there would be strength in numbers, yet is that what he learned? In fact, the more men that came to him, the more complicated his revolt got. And not only that, but now, his group has become more vulnerable. So, there's another issue. Has his group gotten too big that it has created a more difficult situation than what Robin started with? The next issue he needs to deal with is the growth of his band of men. In the beginning, he accepted any man without question. But is that a viable strategy now? Does he need more people, or could he become more selective in potential recruits? As he said, he's losing touch with his people. He doesn't know half of them. And that's a problem, isn't it? It's a problem because the Sheriff could send in spies. That makes Robin more vulnerable again. Another problem: food is now scarce and resources are low. Further, he needs to decide about the tax issue. He needs to decide about the timing of a campaign against the Sheriff. He needs to decide about accepting the offer from the barons. Yes, Robin does have a lot of issues to resolve.
This essay will be covering chapters five through eight of the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. It will include a general half page summary of each chapter. There will also be a conclusion at the end. In order to summarize the chapters, there must be a main character introduction. Robin Hood is the main character. He and the Sheriff have had a few feuds through the book (considering he is an outlaw). Little John is Robin Hood’s right hand man or “lieutenant,” as stated by Allen W. Wright. The Sheriff of Nottingham is a greedy sheriff who is very focused on capturing Robin Hood.
One of Geoffrey's less believable main characters is the Knight, for reasons of chivalry. The knight displays many traits which make him seem almost too good to be true, and a true gentleman that rarely exists in reality. The narrator sums up the knights character by stating that "Though he were worthy, he was wys,/And of his port as meeke as is a mayde." (pg. 5, The Canterbury Tales) The knight holds four main admirable traits, making him the most liked traveler in "The Canterbury Tales," and also amplying the doubt of his realism. The reader is prepared to learn of each of his noble accomplishments and importance when the narrator remarks that" A knight ther was, and that a worthy man,/That fro the tyme that he first bigan/To ryden out, he loved chivalrye,/Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisye." (pg. 4, The Canterbury Tales) From the characters impressive introduction, it is clear that this man is the most valued and honorable traveler among the group. This perfect gentleman holds a love of ideals that are often not displayed by people. First and foremost, he believes in the ideals of chivalry, and always stays true to its principles. He also feels that one should be honest, truthful and faithful, which many people are not all of these ideals. The knight thinks one should only do what is right, and what will gain him honor and reputation. This character also believes in freedom and generosity towards all, and displays this ideal repeatedly throughout the novel. And lastly, the knight also strongly feels that any proper person should display courtesy and elegance at all times. Another aspect of this character's life which makes him seem too prestigious to be truthful is his impressive military career. He fought in the holy war, known as the Crusades and was involved in 15 "mortal battles." In the prologue, the narrator informs the reader that "Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre,/And therto hadde he riden, no man ferre,/As wel in Cristendom as hethenesse,/And ever honoured for his worthinesse.
There are several issues Robin Hood needs to consider. First, Robin Hood needs to make sure his own personal grievances against the Sheriff do not cloud his vision and what is in the best interest of his Merrymen as a group. Second, take a broad look at the overall organizational structure by conducting an environmental scan, a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis and/or using a variety of organizational assessments (measurements). A SWOT analysis will help determine some strategic alternatives and how the band can attempt to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals. Robin Hood can use the SWOT analysis to identify where he is strong and vulnerable, where he should defend and attack by scanning both internal and external environments (McNamara, Performance Management, 1999).
In order to find the original Robin Hood, all the different myths have to be acknowledged and discarded until it can be narrowed...
Robin Hood and his Band of Merry Men had a successful first year. With new recruits pouring in from the furthest outreaches of England, Robin had met his objective of strengthening in number. Although he was satisfied with the size of the organization, he has realized necessary preparations had not been made to accommodate the now over abundance of members of his organization. Many challenges now face Robin such as a lack of provisions and lack of funds to support the band, but he cannot lose focus of their original foundation of "Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor". In addition they have to stay focused on their long term goal to remove Prince John from power by freeing King Richard from his imprisonment in Austria. Robin Hood has to form structure within his organization so that it can continue to grow and prosper.
When people think of Robin Hood, they think of a fairy-tale character who takes part in mischievous acts with his Merry Men at his side. Although he is just a fairy-tale character, he resembles a real human who did the same things, and there is much more to know about him than the stories say. Evidence of the real Robin Hood has been searched for for years, and although it is believed that someone like him did exist, not much information is given on his real self, only his fictional posterity. Some historians suggest that he was based off of real-life outlaws such as Fulk Fitz Warin, Herewerd the Wake, and Eustace the Monk.