Single Parent Life Essay

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A Single Parent’s Life: The Mind of a Single Mother

Life as a single parent can be rough sometimes. Before having children, most people may picture a family with two parents, but to some, the reality is there is only one. It takes a village to raise a child right?! But, what if that village is one person? Although raising a child as a single parent can be challenging, it can also be rewarding! You may be a single parent, but you’re not alone especially when you have God! A single parent instinct is to feel like they need to do it all, however, that’s not realistic or rational. If only some people knew how hard it gets sometimes as a single mother on a low to no income, they would think twice about how they judge and treat them. Motherhood …show more content…

I’m not negating the fact that it still gets tough. Of course, it’s kisses and hugs, laughter, silly pranks, and jokes when she’s not looking. It is loving them so much that you fell constant fear for them and their future like “What if this or What if that?” Or even worse, you’re not good enough for them. As a parent, I feel regrets when I can’t be there for my child like I should or want to. It’s a worry when she’s ill, sorrow when she’s unhappy, and a protective bubble I have around her. Don’t get me wrong, it is hard for all mothers, but it’s especially hard for single mothers with little to no help. It is relentless worrying and emotionally …show more content…

It can be busy especially when I am trying to work, take care of home, and still find time to have a social life, or even better, a “Dating Life” and make time for yourself. I must say, single parents must treat themselves every now and then by having a girls’ night out or something like that, make time for yourself even if its just 15 minutes to gather your thoughts and get yourself together. Children look up to their parents as good role models so that’s why I must watch what I say and do around my daughter. I know how this can be a challenge when a child or shildren are around you 24/7. Parenting is hard and sometimes you get angry and frustrated, but I believe, don’t take feelings and frustrations out on them. Being a single parent comes with a different set of emotional feelings that can, at times, be overwhelming.

The challenges I face as a single parent from self-doubt and anxiety over small issues to having the fear and stress over me and my child’s future and having to deal with those feelings alone, I’ve learned to not care so much about the little things and the things I have no control over and cannot change. Now, I started focusing on how I can change things I can control. Overall, as a single parent, to see the smile on my daughter’s face and my heavenly Father is all I need to know that my job as a parent is well

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