Simon: The Unexpected DJ

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Simon: The Unexpected DJ

Driving up Route 9 towards Poughkeepsie in a snow storm was not something I wanted to do. The time itself—an hour’s drive—was elongated by the pretty, but dangerous, falling snow. As my Beetle and I plowed up through Fishkill and made our way to the town of Poughkeepsie, I started getting nervous. I would be interviewing a real live DJ! Since I was a child I had always loved music and the radio. I remember leaping up onto my kitchen counter and perching there, anxiously listening to who would be crowned Number One that week on the Top 40. Or I would be in my cool, newly-furnished bedroom listening to the most-requested five-song countdown on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8pm.

For this assignment, I had emailed local rock and alternative radio station WRRV, explaining my situation and asking if there was a DJ interested in having a 30 minute interview with me. The next day, Simon emailed me back saying he’d like to take me up on that offer. I was to drive up to WRRV and we would conduct the interview in the station in two weeks time. I remember that on the night before the interview I was driving home from Pace, and I was able to clearly receive WRRV (unusual, as the station is normally out-of-range at that location)—and I heard Simon on the radio. How exciting it was, to know that I would be talking to him the very next day!

So there I was, thundering (or carefully maneuvering) my way up Route 9. After a quick stop at the local police station to re-orient myself (as I missed a left turn), I pulled into the small parking lot of the small, two-story, stucco-and-shingled building with an enormous satellite dish on it. I double-checked my questions, made sure my recorder was working, and headed in. I sat in the small waiting area as the secretary went to fetch Simon. Palms sweaty, I rubbed them on my jeans to calm myself and let out a little nervous energy.

“Melissa? I’m Simon. Nice to meet you.” A hand stretched out before me, and I rose to shake it. Simon, The Voice From The Radio, was a normal guy! He was taller than me, of medium build, had short, cropped hair, and a welcoming smile.

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