Similarities Between V For Vendetta And Animal Farm

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V for Vendetta and Animal Farm
1. V's mission involved killing as a means of enacting change. From the beginning, Evey was against killing. Would it have been possible for the changes to occur without killing? Link to the actions of the rebellion in Animal Farm – would peaceful change have been possible?

V’s killing in the movie feels like a necessity to enact the change he’s looking for, though not all the people he kills need to die, as some he just kills in a sort of childish revenge. To get people listening to what he had to say, V had to do something big. To get the government scared he had to let them know he wasn’t afraid to kill to get the change he wanted. No one would have believed him if he’d just gone and told people …show more content…

In V for Vendetta, the propaganda came in the form of posters around the streets, and constant news stories playing reminding the people of what is used to be like and how life is better now because of what the High Chancellor has done for the country. Prothero was the news anchor on the TV that would show the High Chancellor as some sort of hero, and that he saved the country after the terrorist attack, making it seem like what he was doing and all the laws he was enforcing were for the greater good. Keeping the status quo means keeping things the way they are, and keeping the rules and regulations traditional. Prothero would often make himself come across as angry and hurt when talking about the “terrorist” V, to try and persuade his viewers that what he was doing was wrong and should be condemned rather than celebrated.
In Animal Farm propaganda was used many times. Squealer, one of the pigs on the farm, was used as the propagandist for his talent in using his words to manipulate what people think. Squealer was an intelligent pig and he knew how to outsmart the other animals with their limited knowledge and little vocabulary, so big words confused them. Squealer would also constantly fire back at doubt with “Are you questioning our great leader Napoleon?” to make the animals fear being murdered for treason, which Napoleon enacted to install fear in the other animals and keep them

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