Similarities Between Locke And Wollstonecraft

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The philosophers in the seventeenth and eighteenth century were definitely on to something. They were making scientific breakthroughs all over the place. John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft are the philosophers that we will be talking about. And we will be talking about natural rights, freedom of religion, trade and economy, and equal rights.

John Locke was one of the Enlightenment Philosophers who contributed into the world today. Locke was trying to prove that everyone and everything is free but there are natural consequence to their decisions. “...(W)e must consider, what state all men are naturally in,and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose [manage] of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature…”John Locke “Of the State of Nature”. In the quote Locke states that men are naturally free and they can manage their belongings within the laws of nature.

Voltaire is another philosopher that has impacted how we live …show more content…

She was looking to make women as equal as men were back then. “To render [make] mankind more virtuous, and happier of course, both sexes must act from the same principle;... women must be allowed to found their virtue on knowledge , which is scarcely possible unless they be educated by the same pursuits [studies] as men.” Mary Wollstonecraft On National Education. This quote tell us that if women got the same education as men did they would be just as smart.
With all of these philosophers quotes, there is a similarity between them. They all hint towards natural rights. They do this by saying that it is natural for equal education, it is important to keep your nation's economy up for you to have the rights you deserve, natural rights says that you can pick whatever religion you want, and lastly natural rights is for everyone so that no one is

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