Siblings-Personal Narrative

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Siblings were born knowing how to push our buttons. They try to do something to get us angry and if it doesn't work then they will try something else until it does work. Well my twelve year old sister doesn't stop. She constantly tries to get me in trouble knowing that I am the oldest and my parents always blame me no matter the situation. I guess its just our role as the oldest kid to go through all of the trouble our younger siblings make us go through. I didn't know this a four years ago so I kind of messed up… big time. When I woke up I knew I was full of dark energy and that It wasn't going to be a good day. It was a horrible Saturday morning, the birds chirped outside my window endlessly, the sun shined through the blades blinding my eyes, …show more content…

I was right. As soon as I hit the side of the doorway, he called me back with a serious, annoyed tone in his voice. I went back in looking down at his feet, shamefully. He said, “Mohamed, I told you to stop doing that, you need to control your anger better. Life isn't always fair and you won’t get everything you ask for. I want you to calm down, go change out of your clothes, and try to have a good day.” I answered, “Yes sir.” I left the room, and this time I didn't hit the side of the doorway. I went into my room, jumped on the bed, and got out my phone. After about an hour, my sister woke up not knowing she should've stayed in bed that day due to how she was going to by the victim of my frustration that was built up inside of me. My sister and I both were sitting in our rooms when my mom called us from the kitchen. We hurried to the kitchen and she reminded us that we needed to clean up the house, while she and my dad go to run some errands. We whined, but eventually started to clean. I had to clean up the living room, play room, my parents room, and my room. My sister only had to finish cleaning her room and do the dishes. She started at the dishes and I started cleaning up the living room. I finished

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